Leather Transmogs

Can we PLEASE have some sexy Leather transmogs? Every other class has some very nice looking mogs (Especially the Platekini sets!) but leather… which should clearly be the most sexy transmogs… looks the most frumpy dumpy of them all… I mean, really?

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Leather and Mail have long had the reputation of the forgotten children outside of tier/pvp sets.

However, there are plenty of sexy looking leather items:

Heraldic Breastplate for example, and its many recolours, are basically sports bras - some with fetching arm bands.

Buckled Harness…I’ll let you look it up and draw your own conclusion.

Tunic of Unwavering Devotion.

Peerless Leggings (and recolours) are booty shorts, low riding.

Warbear Woolies are basically a pair of fuzzy panties and thigh straps

Leather is also replete with thigh high boots like Clefthoot Wanderboots, or Prospector’s Boots if you prefer a more savage thigh high.

With the cosmetics its easier, but while not as good as the Plate and Cloth, you’re not without options for Leather.