Least popular Race/Class combo?

I have a female KT monk and I think Ive seen maybe 2 others total. Some mechagnome classes might be more rare though.

Monks are the least popular class and Mechagnomes the least popular race.

So Mechagnome Monk seems a safe bet.

I have seen more of those than I expected…

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For some reason, a Mechagnome Brewmaster just seems hilarious.

i see a ton of female dwarves when im leveling, the one race i almost never see is kul tiran

I would say female dwarfs as a whole. Pick what you want after that.

Never seen a Dwarf Female DK

Dark Iron Paladin.
Orc Mage.
Tauren Priest.
Kul Tiran [cloth].
Blood Elf Demon Hunter.

Female any “ugly” race

By far Orc mage (either gender).

Sometimes I forget they have mages because I never see them!

(Even see more Mag’har mages than regular orcs.)