Least Fun Classes to Main

Well, I’m still at level 90 sooooo…………

  1. Demon Hunter. Hate the aesthetic, the playstyle, and the lore.
  2. Druid. Don’t like shapeshifters, prefer to see my character.
  3. Priest. Just can’t get into it. Liked old disc alright but it went poof.

I tend to eschew melee for the most part, though I have leveled melee classes.

My least favorite classes though would probably be:

Monk - I level my monk as mistweaver so I can just heal my way to max level. It’s not my favorite healer to be sure.

Warrior - I just don’t like how any spec plays. Protection is tolerable but for tank specs I’d rather play any other class.

That’s about it for me.

My heart breaks a little whenever someone says they don’t like warriors.

Why you no love Viking Santa?


Mages, All specs.
Demon Hunter, All specs.
Monk, Brewmaster.
Warrior, Arms.

I only don’t like play 2 classes, Priests because #1 I don’t heal I suck at healing and it has 2 heal specs which makes shadow quite dry for me. As well a monk, I don’t know why but I just do.

I think its mainly because I don’t really care for dual wielding or how Fury plays. I like the idea of Arms and swinging a big two hander, but it doesn’t have a free spammable attack. As Arms everything costs rage or has a cooldown.

I’m not a very good melee player to begin with and I like having a button I can always mash whenever. I’d probably like Arms a lot more if there was a talent to replace Slam with a spammable rage generating attack like Fury’s Furious Slash.

Protection is tolerable because it has Devastate and tank specs tend to do ok aoeing things down when questing (though Warrior feels the weakest of all the tanks to me in this regard). Ultimately though, Warrior gameplay just isn’t among my favorites.

Prot warrior has the highest aoe dps of the tanks in the game by a mile. Spec unstoppable force, anger management, and booming voice. Pop avatar and demo and clap like a madman. I easily go over 100k doing that. lol

Other than that fact, the rest I can understand. Arms isn’t half as fun as it used to be and fury’s concept is silly.

I’ve just always loved warriors and have always mained one. It’s not for everyone though.

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For no specific reason, i´ve tried leveling one more than once and gave up.

Hunter and Warlock i´ve never even tried, probably because i´m not into pet classes.

Rogue, Lock. And i have never made a shaman in the 5 yrs i been playing. And have no plans to

well if you don’t like being a marksman type class I don’t see how it would be fun. but for someone who likes the lore of being a ranged character with a bow it makes it fun regardless. bfa hunters aren’t as fun as they once were but its still my fav ranged character

I find the ones that got pruned to be rather boring shells of their former selves.

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so all of them? lol

Yeah. and then some added characters because this dumb 10 character bs.

Rogue - I’ve tried leveling more than one, but I just can’t seem to enjoying playing as one.

Warrior - Seems boring to me.

Monk - Because they’re Monks…

Shamans and Paladins seem interesting, but not interesting enough for me to try either.

I do, however, enjoy playing as a Mage (obviously), Warlock, Druid, Demon Hunter, Shadow Priest, Death Knight, and Beast Master Hunter :slight_smile:

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My top classes that are least fun to play…

  1. Mage
  2. Warlock
  3. Priest
  4. Paladin
  5. Shaman
  6. Death Knight

Most fun to play:

  1. BM Hunter
  2. Havoc DH
  3. Outlaw Rogue
  4. Feral Druid
  5. WW Monk
  6. Fury Warrior

Mage. It really feels like every spec is just consists of casting your awful filler spell a bunch until something procs.
I used to love arcane but im pretty sure that spec got deleted.

I’ve never Healed, and with tanking, only one low level dungeon lol - but I’ve tried a lot of the DPS specs / classes and right now I am in a funk maybe but nothing is really all that fun to play.

So I don’t have a main anymore.

Priest is really the only one I’ve never really enjoyed, at least not for very long.
