Lease major cities to fast food companies

doing this will give us monthly discounts. Mcdonalds can build a location in Thunder Bluff, and Burger King can build one in Mount Horeb

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This could be a great business idea, almost never before seen. Players could go order food in-game using real money or gold (others would pay the restaurants money via tokens). Then, the food would be ordered via door dash and delivered to the player in real life. And then because the partnership is so good financially for Blizzard, WoW players enjoy three dollars off their monthly subscription and they get a really convenient and fun way to order McDonalds while playing WoW. Win-Win-Win

I’m sure the last thing many who put many hours into an online game need is fast food discounts.


EverQuest toyed with this idea.

Had a /pizza command to order from Pizza Hut.


Sure, why not sounds quite interesting.

no it would be a WOW discount as WOW would get money from the fast food franchises

Oh gotcha so essentially you are referring to in game advertising that offsets player subscription costs?

No thank you.

Where are the people who always go off about “get IRL out of the game”. We need you now.


exactly we need to save money where we can

Personally I’m against bringing real life into my fantasy game (that includes cross-overs that other games do), however I also can’t say that it would impact me very much anyway.

I’d say I’d mildly disagree, but it wouldn’t be high on my list of things to dislike happening to the game lol.
Discounts are nice though, and do go a way towards soothing my disagreement lol.

No. It has to be a Chick-fil-A

“Eat Mor Chikin!”

Not Outback Steakhouse? :wink:

So ticked I lost my lvl 3 trust and can’t post direct links.


Oh, ok it seems like I was missing a vital bit of information on your quip lol.
Disadvantage from living outside of the US I suppose.

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they can give Long John Silvers Ironforge and Taco Bell to Gilanus

I actually don’t entirely despise this idea, with a few caveats. Under no circumstances do I want to see corporate logos in-game. I don’t even want to see Blizzard’s logo past the loading and character screens. What I wouldn’t mind is if they were “WoW-ified” versions of corporations.

I also don’t want to see microtransactions of any kind in-game, but especially not for fast food.

I don’t think they should add Chick-fil-A to Thunder Bluff because I would rather not see monuments to right-wing bigotry in-game


I know the McDonalds in thunderbluff was supposed to be a (Mc)rib at tauren, but honestly, have you SEEN the McDonald’s line up in India, I’d LOVE to get some of those here in the states

Although I’m also still trying to find a cheap, health, curry shop here state side so…not gonna hold my breath lol

I agree, there are are already far too many of those people in the game.

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