Learning Transmog Retroactively - Not Being Implemented

Blizzard has confirmed on the forums that quests rewarding only appearances your character can use is intended, and the beta behavior was likely a bug.

They can’t be serious. This has to be ragebait. Right?

Post was on the EU Forums.


weird cause ive been learning all the mogs on quests since BFA at least

weapons is what i got probably

“All Aperances your character can use”

So… Means that your plate wearer will learn the plate, but not the mail/cloth/Leather.

Your priest picking the wand, will get the hammer, Dagger etc. what they can use.

So its just not giving us every single Option. Just the ones we would have gotten prior to the Warband Options.

Just means we’d have to level 4 characters through the quests (one per armor type) to get all the quest rewards.

I dunno, running a “kill 10 boars” quest and suddenly getting 6,8,10 transmog doesn’t really seem right to me.

The mog thing is more for farming old raids and such, wasn’t it?


Same logic could be applied to farming old raids then. Each boss is a one shot, not much of a challenge. Why should you learn every appearance the boss can drop?

It was said in an interview to apply to quests, and be retroactive. It’s talked about in the link I shared.

No one from Blizzard thought to correct Morgan Day’s interview after wowhead and other wow “news” site shared?

Feels to me it was more intended to happen, and it would currently be a bug that it’s not working, or they’re backtracking.

realized they were being too generous, had to walk some stuff back… cant have things be too convenient, need you grinding for some things.


It’s weird, because I’d imagine “retroactively scanning quests and giving the rewards” was the biggest reason we were told the Warband conversion could take 20+ minutes, because scanning the completed quests of every character you have and flagging every reward as unlocked would take time.

Instead, the conversion took like 5 seconds, and it’s likely because it didn’t do that.


What a stupid decision that flies in the face of everything we were told about how quest rewards would work. Not from a wowhead article, but straight from the developers’ own mouth.

That blue has to be mistaken right?


I was surprised with how fast it was! I was honestly expecting it to take at least 5 minutes.

we at blizzard just added in some code that allows you to retroactively get all the transmogs from quests you have already done but oops that was a bug we didn’t mean to do that sorry whenever we add code or anything new its actually a bug


“We heard you liked queuing for content cross faction in remix. That was a bug, and has since been fixed.”

Why are they so concerned about visual appearances? Who is this actually hurting? I seriously detest the system/design team at times. Stupid obnoxious changes like this are always happening.

They are a very antagonistic, self centered design team and I challenge THEM to prove us wrong. I personally believe they truly don’t care about the players…really. I really believe that. Obnoxious system changes that, quite simply, ‘don’t have to be’.

I loathe them.


Its not about appearances, they know there are a lot of transmog hunters. They are concerned about time played metrics, if they are too generous that reduces your time in game. Which could result in an unsub, which means less money.

They need you in game grinding away obediently for a minimum amount of time to ensure your continued subscription to the game. They cant con everyone into 6 month and one year subs, so this is make sure those who sub month to month will continue paying.


Very dictatorial.

I may have to put my money where my mouth is then. I was looking forward to TWW but things like this just sour the experience.


It’s been that ways for ages you get all the a Transmog for your class that you can use so plate uses get all the plate cloth users get all the cloth been that way for ages and people have been fine with it now every one just wants everything.

Honestly not supprised by this but honestly at this point i need to as does anyone even want to play the game at this point because it honestly feels like the moment people think they get stuff for free then it turns out to be a bug they freak out and go REEEEE I HAVE TO DO WORK FOR STUFF REEEEEE.

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Instantly felt burnt out after reading. The usual one step forward and a couple steps back for unnecessary restrictions.


keep on taking them L’s blizzard,


Or, we were told one thing and prepared for it, only for Blizzard to now take back their word.

Why should I feel compelled to work on things if Blizzard isn’t going to be honest on how new systems work? Why should I contribute to their time played metrics doing content I’ve already done, again, for rewards I was told I would have for completing it?


Well this explains all the things related to my “missing” transmogs.

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