Learn to take the "L" Blizz

That may have been true, once.

Now though, Heroic is just as easy as it ever was. And M0 is not the big jump in difficulty going from heroic to M10 was.

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It got even worse today where ppl in OCE server are looking to “HIRE” tanks just to do time walking… YES you heard it right “HIRE” as in a paid service just to queue for stuff.

This is how much tanks specs has been abandoned. So are you going to revert your changes yet?

BTW a tank being able to self sustain a fight is also a skill. Not something anyone can do FYI just in case no1 on the dev team explained that.


Definitely has nothing to do with there being likely a single digit amount of weeks left on the season where most anyone of even average skill is already geared up from. Newsflash: It gets harder to find people to do runs both later in a week and especially later in a season.


I agree. I miss DF. I see no point in making things harder. If some people thought Dragonflight was easy, they could simply run higher keys, as Mythic+ is content that scales infinitely


Exactly my viewpoint.

Making things harder is generally a net negative.

Like with level scaling, currently. People hate it. It’s harder difficulty without any real payoff.

People like to do easy things- that’s all there is to it.

Like the whole Cataclysm heroics thing, when they made those harder from the jump from Wrath, people complained.

Yeah, it’s because people weren’t as geared come Cata, but it’s just not as fun when you aren’t smashing PvE out the window.


No we ain’t, healing has been good this expac

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I believe most would agree. After all, this is a game, and what we’re looking for here is to have fun, not spend hours watching detailed tutorials to study every mechanic of every mob and every boss in a dungeon, as if we were preparing for a college exam lol.

  1. Tank changes definitely suck
  2. Healers having to play piano with unavoidable incoming damage is bad too
  3. What did we expect from the changes to the affixes?
  4. I honestly think 10s(20s) are easier than they ever been. I dont remember needing all 9s and some 8s for 2.5k IO in DF.
  5. Would be much worse if we had the old affixes
  6. Pool drf could be better
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What “L”?? They have already won . You don’t last 20 years and then take an “L” , Concord took a big “L” .This game ?? never ,they can throw out the most horrible expansion and they still turn out a profit . :rofl:


I’m already at the point where I might wait until a later point in Midnight to come in, if I decide to buy it. And I likely will, because of the housing system.

Spent a lot of TWW just not actually playing it outside the first two months, just kind of a waste.

11.1, played on the PTR, it looks good, but spending more time around anniversary Classic.

I still like WoW, just pretty bored of it recently. Other games on the radar.

Might be for the best to take a huge break and come back next expansion, maybe a bit in the middle so there’s even more content to catch up to.


The Necrotic Wake was a mistake in Shadowlands, and it’s a mistake now.

Just a bad zone, and an exceptionally bad Mythic.

That said, removal of Bursting/Spiteful/etc is an absolute godsend. No more avoiding entire weeks because of affixes.

Should they care? People were screaming that affixes should be removed for a very long time. So they did, by shifting that difficulty to the mobs themselves (kicks and stuns). And now people are screaming that mobs have too many abilities. “You think you do, but you don’t” being painfully accurate strikes yet again.

I’m sure there are plenty of spec-specific changes that can/should be made, but you should probably drop the idea that this or that pet issue is what’s causing the “tank and healer shortage!!!” that’s been in the game since day 1. It’s not particularly useful.


I agree with this statement :smiley: it becomes less fun when you have to treat at as school or work.

Still there are 2 methods of learning reading and actually doing the runs until you learn it which imho is the best way this is how I learn.
Because I can read a an encyclopedia on how to do certain dungeons it’s going to be useless unless I experience it for myself and I know I’m not the only one who learns this way.

I believe in the moto of practice makes perfect :smile:.


Bdk’s used to have more health than other tanks right? Bdk’s don’t have that anymore though. My warrior and bdk have about the same amount of HP. I thought bdk’s had about 40% more than shield tanks like warrior and paladin…

Seems like you’re in unholy spec so maybe you have different gear for blood but blood no longer scales defensively with haste, where vers is a huge defensive stat. You have a ton of haste and no vers. This might be why.

Then you haven’t played a key high enough for mechanics to matter.


If only there were some kind of long-term disable that would prevent any and all actions that an enemy could take until you were read to deal with him. What a shame no such kind of spell exists in all of WoW.

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And if the only time where it starts mattering is at say 15s, most people are not going to reach that point. Just because it exists at some point, is not enough.

Not true. Numbers for M+ for War Within are on par with Dragonflight Season 2, and better than Dragonflight Season 4.

Can it be improved? Yes. Should it be improved? Absolutely. But it is by no means the ‘worst it’s ever been.’

You aren’t looking at the right numbers then.

Comparing it to DF season 2 isn’t exactly a good thing either lol

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