How is it obsolete before it releases? It’s no different than previous mega-dungeons that have released in the past. Karazhan, when it released, provided gear equal to normal mode Trial of Valor which released in the same patch. Likewise with Mechagon which provided loot equal to normal mode Eternal Palace.
Now you have this new dungeon that drops loot equal to normal mode Chains of Domination. It’s quite literally on par with every other mega-dungeon.
When Patch 9.2 drops and the new mega-dungeon is split in two for M+ then the gear will likely be upgradeable with valor.
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There’s nothing wrong with and more information – the problem is Blizzard is now using that metric which used to be 3rd party only, to gate stuff themselves, instead of just players using it on other players.
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They removed valor upgrades from the gear
And? The they also upgraded the ilvl of all the items to be on par with normal mode Chains of Domination, which puts it on par with every other mega-dungeon that Blizzard has ever released.
When Tazavesh gets turned into M+ wings, then the gear will be upgradeable via Valor points. That’s why they won’t do so with the 9.1 version.
they didn’t release with the M+ valor system though.
Not relevant.
The mega-dungeons have always offered loot that is on par with the normal mode raid that releases around the same time. When 9.2 releases and the mega-dungeon becomes available in M+ that is when the gear from the mega-dungeon will be upgradeable with valor. Not before.
It’s not obsolete, in fact it’s a fantastic way to gear up for Chains of Domination.
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LOL its the same ilvl as +6 M+ and NOT upgradeable on a weekly lockout
(as per current ptr)
Man, Blizzard absolutely coming through today for us with information we already knew!
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Raider IO is not toxic.
Raider IO is a necessary tool for determining if applicants have experience in M+ before accepting them.
The idiots abusing it and demanding 2k rio for a +2 mists are the toxic ones.
so now all the ppl who hated can permanantly unsub since basically its now imbedded into the game
on the side note, is there an option to show the person in que’s accountwide score like raider io does? it shows the score they have the highest on their account not just the alt they are on, that matters greatly.
Feedback: more stuff needs to be accountwide especially systems.
so ppl dont have to invite bads only ppl with higher scores on the key that the lvl of the key jsut like raider io 
no worried friends. We will know tomarrow. If not then we can mark the netease release date leak as real or fake tomarrow, it claimed July 1st (asia) which is june 29th US. If no announcement tomarrow then it can’t be june 29th due to 2 weeks for pvpers, if not next tuesday then neither is it july 6th either.
This whole splitting of fortified and tyrannical for achievement purposes is absolutely awful. Tyrannical is an unbalanced affix as is, and now forcing me to do it if I want the achievement is extremely poor game design and very excluding.
clearly they don’t know the playerbase…
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Agreed. While any tool can be abused, the benefits of having Blizzard IO in the game far outweigh any potential for misuse.
I see nothing wrong with requiring people applying to a M +8 or +9 to provide evidence that they at least have enough experience with those dungeons to know basic boss mechanics.
Just to use one example, I have run into far too many people who don’t know that you need to gather up orbs and take them back to the spear for the final boss in HoA. You need to know this stuff at that level.
Another good example is people not knowing how to deal with the adds on Executor Tarvold in Sanguine Depths. Or they grab X’rali after the third boss without knowing they need to use it to deal with General Khal’s AOE attack.
Or they don’t know about dealing with the vulpin add on the second boss in MoTS.
Or they don’t know about killing (or CC’ing) the big slime on the first boss of Plaguefall.
Or they don’t know which trash mobs are the most dangerous in any instance. There are some trash mobs in multiple instances that will make your life way more difficult, if not wipe you, if they aren’t dealt with quickly.
Look, I don’t expect anyone I PuG with to be perfect. I’m certainly not. But once you get up into the +8 or +9 range, there are some things you just need to know how to do. Not perfectly, but you at least need to know about them. And Blizzard IO is a tool to show that.
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A tool for letting players play with people of similar experience is the most toxic tool the game has ever seemed? is the only reason pugging mythic+ is possible past low key levels.
Next you’ll probably say Warcraftlogs is toxic.
So by your logic, normal Chains of Domination is also obsolete on arrival because you can get better gear, and so is heroic mode right? Completely obsolete because M+ players can get better gear if they time keys above a certain level…
You realize not everyone plays M+ content right?
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Im only donig tyra to get my 15+ mount, after this i will not touch tira weeks.
but 9.2 9.3 9.4 also got reclolor m+ mounts