Lead Design : Bring back Jeff Kaplan

No. I’ve tackled it perfectly because for one, you’re mad. And two, you’ve said nothing to prove me wrong.


I’m not :slight_smile: I’m making fun of how you support a person you hate. You’re trying to turn this into a different topic and I’ve refused every time :slight_smile:

I’m sorry I can’t take you seriously with that helmet.


Also for a person talking about people needing to learn to suck things up and be a better person, you sure aren’t demonstrating that.

I just don’t get the hate towards Ion. I feel like he does the best with what he’s given.

I’m indifferent on Ion. He lead through the most of Legion. I think BFA was just a failed experiment.

We’ll see how Shadowlands turns out, then I’ll pass my judgement on what I think of him.

Mad? Show me where I am mad? Please quote it. Scroll up to the OP… Where is there any anger in there? Or anywhere? I’ve been able to disagree or agree with people and this problem is isolated to you. You are the common denominator in the equation. This is why I called you an idiot. You’re inferring things or claiming things or even having completely separate points that don’t address the dialogue. You continuing makes you obstinate. Again, Mazal Tov! You have achieved an Obstinate hypocritical idiot assessment from a total stranger who has read just a fraction of what is rolling around in that head of yours! Through millions of years of evolution and natural selection, the primordial ooze has fantastically produced the best version of DNA grouping it could muster. Your parents must be proud.

Prove you wrong? About what? The smile gives me hope for a vague impression that there is some intelligence at work here. I’m just hoping this baby is being born soon.

I support a person I hate? Scroll up about 5 posts prior, I don’t hate Ion. I disagree with him. The worst thing I said about him is that he has contradicts himself with the decisions he’s made towards things like account-wide essences.

Also, we should note that I prepurchased a game from Blizzard. Not Ion. Regardless, I’ve already said I don’t HAVE to agree with anyone or they agree with me; but, I did push from the very beginning I would prefer more communication. Just like what you pointed out the lack of information given thus far.

However, I feel we have cleared another milestone and through dialogue, I think we have identified another trait you possess. You apparently have a reading comprehension problem, so we could possibly venture to guess perhaps you’re illiterate. You’re certainly getting all the glory.

Interesting, using what I said about you, to say about me. Childish, but ok…

Testing BM numbers, didn’t bother to transmog. You really take this portrait thing seriously, huh?

Let me assure you, that every assertion you have made about me and every aspersion you have sent my way only emboldens my impression of who and what I’m dealing with. You are having conversations made up in your own head, “arguing” points that I haven’t said and assessing me to be angry, which leads me to believe you don’t interact with many people outside of your home.

Look, continue to be every ounce of obstinate, hypocritical, imbecilic, vapid, troglodyte you want to be. Embrace who you are. Who am I to dissuade you from fulfilling your life’s work?

All I’m saying is, you’re not being very effective here with me because I find it entertaining, as you would any child poking themselves in the eye trying to look into a straw. So you do you and let me know if somebody takes some time to read to you the forum post as you are unable to glean the point.

We sit around and make jokes that it’s all not really Ion’s fault, but the other Devs just pick on him or bully him constantly by making these decisions to upset the players and treat him like a younger brother.

Dev team: Hey Ion, we’ve made a decision since everyone is going back to level 50, we are going to reduce all bag space to 20. So you’re going to have to do a podcast with Josh again to make that announcement.
Ion : Awe come on guys… They’re going to lose their marbles on the forums and I keep getting threatening letters. Besides, can’t just Josh do it?
Dev Team : No and after your done pick up our dry cleaning and lunch. You’re paying for it again this time because you mixed up the bags with the bacon cheeseburgers with the regular cheeseburgers
Ion : Awe man… I don’t even eat meat, I’m a vegan.
Dev Team : If you don’t stop complaining, we’ll make Josh give you another toilet swirly.

He’s a lawyer first, and a game designer second.

well he actually said he was not a game developer on an interview once by saying he has no actual game development or computer programming skill which begs the quest how in the world did he manage to become a lead dev?

heck I read a few medical books and watched Dr Oz but I highly doubt if I walked into a hospital theyd make me the head of their pediatrics dept

You spent that much time trying to defend yourself. Sorry I called you out, this is boring now so I’ll be outta here.

It’s best you do, for whatever excuse you have to give it.

Give it to who? My Valentine? I don’t have one…

Will you be my Valentine?

I have never understood why this is the term the game uses. Scribes create script, inscribers create inscriptions.

Illidan already said that there is no chosen one!

never got it myself I mean why didn’t they call it rune crafting since that basically what the profession started out as making

seriously they called them glyphs but we all know theyre basically just runes since they imparted powers and abilities onto the ones that applied them

Illidan also said we wouldn’t defeat him right before I brained him for a tier 6 piece.

yeah and don’t forget he also bragged that not even the lich king could beat him despite the fact he whipped him like a red headed stepchild forcing him to flee to outland

I’m starting to think Illidan might not be as reliable a source of information as we all thought.

There is a BIG difference between Illiand from BC and Legion…
In BC he was weak… In Legion he was Strong!

Strong > Weak!

So… there is no chosen one.

well he was so unreliable that’s why he got kicked out of the boy scouts


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Hang on, I’m calling the police, the FBI and my dad. That was criminal.

in fact there was even a merit badge for being the worst boy scout in the camp and he couldn’t even earn one

That’s not a bad thing.