Lazy as I gets

I refer you back to this comment you made :

So yes, because you attacked some elses toon, we get to attack yours in return. Fair’s fair.

No less arbitrary than your attacks.

Sorry this thread didn’t pan out like you wanted. Game is in a sorry state, you’ll see when you reach level 60.


dis u?
Womensrights - Character (

Trust me, if I get bored/tired of wow I’d stop playing. There are tons of great games out. I’m not going to waste my energy sitting here pitching a childish fit over a game I could easily walk away from.

How about you go to your work and cry to your boss instead of to the WoW forums? He’s paid to listen to your whining, we’re not.

Sorry you support a bad expansion and a company that sees you as nothing more than a piggy bank, it must be rough for you to come to grips with reality when you try so hard to gatekeep the game with your mediocre progression.

Sure you can lol… This game was a hobby for me as I’m a retired housewife and mother as my kids are 27 n 28 now. But I do old content as I enjoy it. But refuse to give Blizzard another red dime of my money now.

Don’t care about pvp.

Last I checked 7/10 was more than half way done.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

What happened to all the white knighting you did? Was that not getting you the attention you wanted so you stopped?

Yea I rest my case with you.


Says the angry guy still giving Blizzard money lol.

If you’re subbed right now and it doesn’t matter with money or gold, you’re telling Blizzard “I’m ok with everything you’re doing, keep up the good work”.

Seems to really trigger you that someone doesn’t like the current’s game state. Get used to it, not a whole lot of Shadowlands fans.


It’s fine if you don’t like it. I wouldn’t pay for nor invest my time into something I didn’t like.

I don’t think any game would kill WoW, but I’m pumped for Ashes of Creation, I hope new mmos bring the fire back the Blizzard needs!

I feel like Blizzard has lost its spark, hopefully new mmos releasing gets them back to the glory they once were.

I do and you haven’t experienced that content so you haven’t played SL enough to gate keep.

What boosting service did you use? Was there a coupon at checkout?

Congrats you gave my old posts more likes and views, and yet here you are crying and whining over people’s opinions?

Want a tissue? It has a blizzard monogram on it, I know how much you rely on a dead MMO for validation of your feelings.


You seem to really have an issue understanding things like “Shadowlands content bad, M+/Raiding/PvP still enjoyable”. Even though I’ve been crystal clear.

I’m not going to abandon the game over the Sanctum and Maw. But I am going to call out Blizzard on a lazy expansion.

Is everything always about attacking others to you ?


What part didn’t you UNDERSTAND I didn’t buy SL for the first time since 2008 I haven’t brought this Xpac. I’ts a money grubbing come in spinner Xpac only.

I’m unsubbed. I bought 6 month sub before launch. I regret things.

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It’s ok, he has no life outside of the forums and the game which he also makes no progress in.

It’s like watching a grown man child implode In front of everyone, I love it.

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Says the person still seeking attention on an MMO forum.

Still giving them a sub.

So you have a problem with impulse control?

I did not play legion but it seems Blizzard is in this loop of designing reskins of Legion over and over again.


Literally no one in this thread respects or supports your opinions because they aren’t opinions, you’re just attacking people for theirs.

So what if someone finds the game boring? You’re a boosted raider who spends his time on a wow forum, your opinion is the equivalent of a fart in the wind.

Let people have their opinions and stop trying to gatekeep so hard, I promise you Blizzard doesn’t care about you.


Interesting projection there from the first person to reply to a thread, with a direct attack on the OP’s toon.