Layers are killing the game for many people

Imagine RPing in a 15 year old game in 2022

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we keep telling you people how unbearably horrible the leveling experience is and that we need RDF so that we can actually have human contact and make the experience fun, yet these classic andy gatekeepers keep coming out telling everyone how much better it is to suffer 2 months of gameplay solo with no human contact whatsoever, as if its a right of passage or something. People are getting fed up and quitting. I have a whole friendslist of people i met in dungeons that havnt logged on since. All of them complained about not being able to find dungeons for hours and seeing no players on any maps. This is how most mmos die: no cycling of new blood or refreshing of gameplay for vets

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Iā€™m more annoyed I cannot help ppl from my guild and they cannot help meā€¦
In both cases because Quests arenā€™t on the same phase depending hon how far along you areā€¦ Itā€™s absolutely annoying. Let us group, just dont give credit to ppl that canā€™t have it (ie cant advance in quest or did it already).

I mean whatā€™s the point of friends/guildies if youā€™re forced to play alone or with strangers?


Great post op. wholeheartedly agree.


They could have done that had they not only released 8 servers on classic launch. Every single server you could choose had a 20k queue. They were all megaservers, and blizzard dragged on opening new servers because they honestly believed classic would be a dead game after 2 weeks.

Fixing the problem would require starting over, at this point.

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Try finding a rare mob or camping the TLPD.

Itā€™s seriously fubarred. Iā€™ve spent hundreds of hours out there, and now I donā€™t think I will ever get it. Before Tuesday, I could find a spawn point to sit, but now Iā€™m stacked constantly, even at 3 and 4 oā€™clock on the morning.

I know some of the stackers are running keyboard macros. Sure, they may eventually get banned for it, but that doesnā€™t help me.

Removing the layers is wrecking the game, at least for me.


There are really two different discussions happening here. People who are interested in PVE. And people who are interested in PvP. Thatā€™s why there are two different types of servers. If you want to be doing PVE questing etc a PVE server can solve that. If you want PvP however itā€™s a completely different animal. The OP is right. Layers have been a problem. Theyā€™ve been squishing them a little bit on Grob recently. That has led to a little bit more world PVP. I hope it continues.

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Layers are needed for the most part.

if youre all for layers you belong on a pve server and this post isnt for you

We have layers because of lag, simple as that, remove layers lag increases.

Unfortunately blizzard massively increased server population caps going into TBC (Iā€™m assuming for the launch) and layers became permanent. The way layers work on a per continent basis when the only major hub is on the current continent leads to a very dead feeling world on larger realms. (which is almost all of them)

Even on the fresh realm skyfury, which I rerolled to in part to once again see 2 factions in daily hubs/farm spots for world pvp, also has this very same issue. Often times the open world feels dead and layers are still very conflicting with the ā€œpillarā€ they claim as the world being the main character.

I feel the same way OP in less of an RP related way but this is a sad fact of current classic wow.

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So the other night Iā€™m questing on this mage and come across an 80 thatā€™s camping a quest hub, fought him a bit and managed to take him down with some other low levels but he just kept coming back and eventually people split. So I decided to jump on my main and camp him for a bit. Just one problem. I couldnā€™t for the life of me find the layer I had been on. Eventually gave up and did my questing somewhere else. Northrend is practically empty with how many layers are up. Everywhere except Dalaran. Really makes it feel like a solo game.

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This is the exact problem. The way they have structured the architecture is like playing a solo game a lot of the time. You have this massive world, and supposedly the server with a huge population, I mean there were seven hour queus not that long ago, and now I can wander around the entire world for an hour only encounter six people? Wtf blizzard? Fix it.

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so a few minutes ago this happened, im fighting two rogues in ironforge, I invite my guildie mage friend to come help and we canā€™t see each other AFTER I invited him because he is stuck on his layer. After logging off and on and trying other things for 15mins, we join an arena match to see if that will finally put him on my layer, we end the match and come out on HIS layer. So now the rogues are on layer 1 and we are on layer 3. Once again layers ruining fun wpvp encounter.

Layers on grobb are trash and make roleplay hard to organize.

Remove the layers or keep it at 2 only. no need for 5+ or god forbid, 8 like in WOTLK launch. :face_vomiting:

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Grobb has gone from 8 layers down to 3 layers since dragonflight island adventure came out, the world is much more active and the game actually feels alive again. I hope Blizz will take this post info into consideration for the future.

With XP boost coming back, we really need to make sure that layers donā€™t increase. Blizzard do you hear me? When more people start leveling, please donā€™t make it so none of them ever see each other while out. Thanks.

layers going back up. Hey Blizzard. Stop it. ffs

Unsure why layers still exist on non-mega realms. We still have them on Atiesh, but weā€™re not a mega-realm, and thereā€™s no reason for them. There hasnā€™t been reason for them since wrath launch.

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