Layers are broken

Been trying to get on the same layer as my wife for 20m to help her with a rune and nothing is working

Thats now layers work. Nothing broken

thats literally not how layers work

If you don’t read it, its your fault.

JFC go away

You have provided zero information regarding trouble shooting steps taken or any indication you’ve tried any of the player-made solutions.

What exactly is the point of this post?


Trolling, nothing else I suppose

logged on both accounts, reloaded, she invited me, I invited her, had someone else invite both of us, changed zones, etc. After 45m it finally worked.

You cant layer hop anymore. Layers are now mini realms inside realms

Not sure why people are attacking him. There’s lots of examples of people not being able to get on the same layer as group members. Layers are trash.

its the wow forums… trolls gonna troll

There were no attacks. People need to understand that simply stating “i have a mechanical problem with the game, blizz sucks” is going to be met with ridicule and interpreted as another wow-is-sht post until they say “i have a mechanical problem, here’s what I’ve done to troubleshoot already, can you help?” This is also NOT the forum for bug complaints.

One is a troll atempt to trash-talk wow, and the other is a genuine ask for help.

Don’t defend the “blizz is bad” crowd so quickly.

If you aren’t providing info then you aren’t asking for help.

Or you can recognize the fact that trolls are going to trash talk blizz for forum clout. So providing ZERO information to indicate you need help, or in your case literally not asking for help in your post and titling it like you think its blizzards fault, is usually just attention seeking behavior.

Literally anyone legitimately seeking help aims to provide as much info as possible immediately. Not withhold relevant info for another response, lol.

Not everyone is a savant at the game.

Imagine some random person who plays every once in a while. Very limited knowledge. Not particularly savvy in such matters. Just wants to do some quests with their significant other. The game’s buggy, crappy layering system makes that a problem.

So you come to the forums and ask if you’re doing something wrong. And get labeled a troll. Like…settle down. People don’t have to be on the offensive all the time.

If you are this hypothetical person, you don’t title it “layers are broken”, at least any reasonable person not driven by ego. He didn’t ask, btw.

When a reasonable person is confronted by their own ignorance of a new system, they don’t blame the system immediately. They recognize that perhaps they need to learn.

Oh please… I said what I was trying to do. I literally tried every reasonable thing as I said… If you can find these forums you know what those things are stop trying to be a DB

You didn’t say anything until you were confronted. Saying “nothing is working” means nothing to people who don’tknow how competent you may be. You offered nothing but, “blizz is broken, denying me play”. You weren’t here for help. If you can find these forums, you can find the customer service/bug report forums.

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I literally did… can you read?

that means I have tried reasonable things… Reading comprehension is hard huh

I edited my above reply for this but I’ll restate.

Saying “nothing is working” without providing any details leaves any responder left with the question of your competence. A legitimate question of any stranger. Simply saying, rather obscurely, that you’ve done “everything” DOES NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES prove you actually did everything “reasonable”. You seem to want a bunch of strangers to just assume you are SO F’ING SMORT you already tried everything… troubleshooting doesn’t work on trust in the person who has already failed. Anyone seeking troubleshooting help understands that they have to prove literally everything they’ve already tried. That’s why troubleshooting customer service exists.

From a purely theoretical standpoint….good luck to any new player to this game. Playerbase is not welcoming or supportive.