Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms

Still waiting to be able to create a character / transfer a character on Pagle horde side…


Agreed. Return Sulfuras to one layer. Its BS with more than one. id take a queue over layers - sry guys.

had 2 people layer hop me today to escape pvp. I found them ofc (a bit later) with the same method.

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All the world chats are dead at all times. Even with 1 layer, the cities feel somewhat empty.

Only reason the server got locked was because there was a 10 minute queue, before the coronavirus overpopulation thing got put in place.

Yeah lock the big servers like Herod that lag out during single layer head drops, but don’t layer the small servers with small,but instant queues - that seem like they are now dying because of layering+server lock.

unlock Sulfuras please Blizzard.

Any word yet on when Blizzard plans to offer free transfers off all realms that are currently being layered? What is Blizzard doing to remove layering? Please dont see layering as the solution of the over population problem. Please address the population problem.


I can make a new account and make a brand new char on this realm but I CAN NOT transfer my 2nd lvl 60 from another server to my account that already has my other lvl 60 char on this. WHY can I make a brand new account on this server but you have locked me out of bringing my already leveled char to my seasoned account on this server? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Easy fix but no one wants to help, I have been begging for 3 weeks, for help and no one will do it so I unsubbed my 5 accounts on my battle net. Almost time to go outside, let me know when you decide to pull your head out of the sand.


I’m having the same issue on Pagle - 3 level 60’s and can create new characters but when I submitted a ticket to transfer my Pally over from Benediction the GMs advised that it’s not something they’re even capable of doing while the server is locked. My guess is it’s a logistics issue with how the realm locks interact with server transfers, but I’m really hoping the devs will look into this if they expect these server locks to last a while.


Any update for those of us who want to create a new character/alt on locked realms on a new account?


Please remove character creation limitation for alt accounts within the same


Yes did doesn’t make sense at all. I put in a ticket bc I didn’t even realize this was true until I had already purchased a 1 month sub on another license on the same account.


Put a ticket in they will refund it. Thats what I had to do.

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Buenos días Blizzard.
Tengo una sugerencia relacionada con las migraciones de personajes. No me parece una idea descabellada, y que podrían analizar, es que los que tienen un personaje creado y, de cierto nivel alto, por ejemplo de nivel 20 o 30 hacia arriba, en un server “bloqueado” como Faerlina, Benediction, Herod, Pagle, etc, tengan la opción de migrar hacia dichos servidores personajes que tengan en otros server, y no, que no puedan migrar hacia esos server “bloqueados”, ya que con el personaje en dicho server se puede entrar, y ocupar un espacio en el server, pero ¿no se puede migrar personajes hacia ese server? Me parece algo absurdo que no permitan eso, ya que si no puedo migrar el personaje hacia esos servers, voy a entrar a jugar con los personajes que ya tengo creado en los servers anterior mencionado, y ocupar un espacio de la población igualmente. Les comento esto porque como a mi, hay muchos jugadores con el mismo problema… espero que encuentren una solución lógica al problema este, ya que no solamente, es problema de un jugador, somos varios en la misma situación

Please Unlock paid character transfer to Earthfury, please!


You got a refund? I was told I couldnt’ get one

Imagine constantly trolling people who want to play with their friends for days on end in a blizzard forum post.


New players on Whitemane aren’t the issue. Unlock the server if you’re going to keep the layering on.


Can we get an update on this? Pagle horde side is low pop, but yet suffering the lock from the alliance. Implement some faction balancing mechanics to your locks please. Some of us would like to actually create characters, and you know…pay money to play.


Please do whatever you need to do, including layering, free realm transfers, etc. to open Grobbulus back up for new character creation. My best friend just got a new PC for his daughter and purchased her a WoW sub only to find out that she won’t be able to play with us in the 150+ person guild we lead on Grobbulus because the server is now locked. I understand that there are issues with layering, and nothing can be more important/impactful than not being able to play with your family.


Please do not layer Grobbulus. If you can manage population with transfers then by all means do so, but please please please do not layer. It ruins the world experience. If you want layers go to retail or do it on pve realms where the impact on cross faction interaction is minimized.

It appeared that it would let me both create new, and transfer to earthfury, it did not show as locked to me, maybe it done being locked?

No thanks.