Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms

out of all the replies of realms you messed with and the only one your going to comment on that you broke is Earthfury?? what about Netherwind??

Wow what Pagle you don’t want more alliance they are 84% of the almost 7k players we on the horde are around 800players Bliz really is weak they don’t care about server pullulation.
I’ll be moving off this server soon or i’ll just stop my sub

Yes please turn it off for Fairbanks.

There’s a reason why my retail characters still level 90 LOL

Im having the same issue. Can create a new char but not transfer?? Makes no sense.

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When will these restrictions end? I have my main on one of the listed realms and would like to transfer a character from a separate realm to my main one. In my scenario I wouldn’t be adding to the population as I am already there.


What’s the point of doing a second layer if you wait that the first layer is overpopulated before starting to put people on second layer! that’s a nonsense. 1 layer is fully lagging and other one is free like the wind. Lower layer population since you don’t accept new people to come in.

Great! What is Blizzard doing to remove layering on other servers? Will free transfers be available for all servers that are currently being layered?

No one cares about faction balance on PvE servers man, thats why they all lean in one direction. The PVE Horde server is Mankrik… You chose the wrong realm. Go over to Mankrik and its super packed almost like Pagle (about 2k less people) but its the same heavy pop lean in the direction of the Horde, theres almost NO alliance there. All PvE servers just pack on one faction because theres no reason not to /shrug

When will character creation become available again? Have the server populations decreased a lot, as expected, since the measures were taken? A friend is coming back to the game and he just found himself unable to join my server.


As stated above, making the character locking be account wide instead of individual accounts would be nice for families.

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Netherwind had a queue now…GG blizz…since you let Incendius transfer the ENTIRE SERVER HERE.

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Yes, this would be greatly appreciated.

Great. Now layer Netherwind because transfers have screwed over the people who play there.

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Was it an influx of Horde transfers like on Earthfury that caused issues or an influx of Alliance?

Both. No one can really say if one was more than the other.

All I know is that I rolled on the server for its small atmosphere which we had for many months. Then, in the space of a week or two, the population doubled or tripled. Now we have queues and can’t get anything done because it’s all overfarmed and camped at all hours.


are servers going to leave lockdown?

I’d imagine not for the foreseeable future.

Too many people parked at the door just waiting for transfers to open
which will just recreate problems.

Sounds like Earthfury 2.0 the refugee crisis on both these servers suck.
With the rebirth of layering I don’t get why blizz doesn’t send them all back to incendious with layers. Not like they wanted our servers to begin with.
The first wave (Earthfury) came to avoid ques. The second wave (netherwind) came because they no longer though AQ could open on Incendious

Unlock Sulfuras. The server isn’t even that populated at any time of the day, especially compared to the big : Herod, Whitemane, Faerlina.

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