Layering vs. No Layering (Post Stress-Test) - Which is Better?

Yes - but that expansion was beloved. I think we are putting too much stock in the first day experience.

This ^

The expansion itself was beloved. That doesn’t mean that people loved the release. The release was a nightmare. Likewise, people miss classic, but that doesn’t mean that everything about it was amazing. Major server issues are, in fact, something that they probably want to avoid.

They havent said anything about allowing more than the initial cap.

Two options after layering is off

  • Queues.
  • Higher Caps.

Those are the only choices. We are getting one of them, and people will complain about whichever we get anyway, so as far as Im concerned, whatever.

We saw people complain about the queue yesterday, and here we have you complaining about higher player caps. There’s no winning for them in that situation. If I were them I would just choose one, and be done with it. To hell with the crying whiners.

That’s fine as long as they choose the one that is more authentic =)

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I leveled to 5 in Valley of Trials on the stress test server on a ranged toon.

The Valley was very busy and Melee toons just didn’t have a shot at killing the numbers of mobs required for the various quests without spending 2-3 times the amount of time it took a ranged class to tag them.

If blizzard expects newer players to like the classic game, they will have to initially layer the starter areas so Melee doesn’t burn out chasing mobs for 3-5 hours only to see them tagged just before they get to them by ranged players.

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Yea, for some of us, that chaos at launch is awesome. Some of rhe best times occur in a densely populated starting zone.


We’ll see how they tackle that, I heard that layers will share the same nod spawns, so maybe they still manage to keep it server-wide and prevent influx of herbs and ores that’s greater than anticipated.

Firstly where did you hear layers will share the same node spawns (just curious)? Secondly does that mean that you will see herb nodes disappear in front of you being picked from a person in another layer (until layering is removed)?