Layering on Earthfury

“There will never be layering after phase 1, period. Quote me on that.” - Ion Hazzikostas 2019
Go figure, we were all lied to.
Isn’t anyone else angry that Blizzard allowed too many transfers to this server, and then enabled layering? I feel like we all got the short end of the stick. Two weeks ago this would not have been necessary. Why was this allowed to happen, and where is Blizzard’s oversight? Personally, I don’t want to play on a server where different parts of the game can be manipulated through layering…So, to get the experience I want, I would have to pay to transfer?
I am curious how many of you out there share similiar feelings?

ME TOO! I came here for the small server feel and now it’s just gone. Even though I had rerolled (BG queues) Alliance on another server, i still made time to play this toon and a few alts, but now, why bother.
Sadly they are doing the same thing to my Alliance server (Netherwind), I might just have find another game and/or find a pserver that still operates.

None of this should shock any of us, Blizzard has been fouling up the proverbial “Free Lunch” for 15 years now. Hopefully they open some new servers with free transfers, anything else is a deal breaker for me.

so you would rather a select few run a monopoly on everything …
are you mad that ppl actually get to play the game?

I agree. I liked the small server feel, and the fact that faction balance was pretty solid. Seeing SW so crowded just feels wrong.

Hopefully, Blizz will allow free xferrs to another server, or at least disable xferrs to this one.

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I don’t like the layering or the larger amount of players (outside of actually having other horde to PVP with). I don’t like the lag that the layering was put in to prevent either. I’m hoping things settle down. In the long run, it will probably help with our servers health as people start quitting the game.