Layering - Not acceptable!

Tricks? it’s a little early haven’t gotten my coffee yet.

I just woke up, myself. Need breakfast but I’m not hungry…

You are acting as the smartest person in the world… They created World of Warcraft they own the IP and everything that exists in WoW belongs to Blizzard, there is no reason to lie, if you don’t believe GL.

Everyone knows that private servers are invented by hard core fans of WoW, but they never had access to the correct values only Blizzard has it. What you see in private isn’t accurate, they tried the best to be as close to “blizzlike” as they can but it will never be.

And yes they have it because as big and organized company everything is backed. don’t be so naive.

The fact they deem the World boss release experience THE reason and time to turn it off shows they may not fully be aware of all the ways this layering system, especially the longer it stays in, will sprout it’s tendrils in much more important aspects of the game. Those being the community, world immersion and authenticity, the economy, pvp, … how are the effects it will have on these vital aspects to WoW not worth to keep intact the way they flourished in the original game?

Why out of all these things is a world boss the triggering factor? Don’t get me wrong, of course i want it to be turned off for it too, obviously. But isn’t it more important to protect the main vital organs of vanilla/classic that will be affected by all the negative side effects of layering, than having the deciding factor when to turn it off be a world boss, so he won’t end up jinxed by the same system? What’s the priorities here?

Also, keep in mind, this is not just a safety net for a massively populated Elwynn Forest experience, nor will it prevent queues as they will regardless of layering exist. It’s not just until people have reached level 20 or 30. It will be staying, as by developers own stated estimates, several weeks or months, during which the whole (split up by instances) playerbase is going to be at all kinds of levels and zones, all of which will have layering and all the big side effects that will unfold in player’s experience during their journeys sooner or later in the aspects mentioned above.

Is that really worth it, compared to having potentially 1 week or so of chaos and fireballs where after (or during if you dare) the storm has settled, you can play the game that was literally fought for for several years to be rereleased (not remastered!) in it’s original form? I don’t think so.

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  1. Original launch had 200,000 players on day 1.
  2. Classic is estimated to be more around 5mil
  3. With 40 servers which is double the demo that leaves 125000 players pet server
  4. You want the opening quests to take 12 hours

Just a day after the stress test you only haf like 70 people in the starting zone and it took some people 6 hours to complete them. Thats like less than 1% of what’s expected.

Not even close literally 99% of all data from pservers is wrong.

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Crbz are authentic to vanilla


Considering it’s either this or the cancer that is server merges… I’ll take this.

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What you say is understandably, nobody wants that but, they stated very clear in public that they are aware of it and this is only temporary to handle mass logins at launch, is like a necessary evil man.

The problem is, regularly people play with their own agenda, example: you play at 8:pm others don’t, but at launch everyone is waiting for countdown, so you know what it cause.

To help mitigate the mass pressure, they are activating this tech to help population be distributed, and make it smoother, after a few weeks mass logins goes back to normal so they will turn this feature off.

So be patient man let’s see and hope blizzard will do the best to make this game as it was back in the day.

Indeed, we should have a system that immediately changes layers. Call it Looking for Layer (LFL). After all, who wants to travel when they can be instantly teleported to their desired instan… layer.

Everything was summarized at Blizzcon, one of the original coders engineer of WoW, was at stage Omar Gonzalez, they showed how they merged database and assets from vanilla with modern engine, and the different escenarios and difficulties they encountered to make it work, it was harder than you think, but it happened and this is why it works on the new infrastructure and blizzard cloud, vanilla API is not gonna work classic because of it, if you are a programmer you should know how to handle code don’t you?

Being stupid is optional.

OMG you are so freaking dumb man… the data once compiled if don’t have access to the original assets you’re done, Classic Beta actually running, got the original textures, and that is absolute proof they got original assets, only blizzard can do that and its running live right now if you don’t believe it.

Why you insist so hard they are lying when you are the most ignorant person in the world? Nothing you say can be corroborated at all, because you have no idea of how things works. Nobody can deny what blizzard says because there so many programmers, engineers, and experts that will refuse Blizzard claims if they were lying, not someone like you who have clues of how tech companies works.

Are you serious bro? /ignored

I am still having fun with you, keep entertaining us please… :rofl: Can’t stop laughing rofl

Yeah you keep telling your self that Blizzard white knight.

I guess you would know better than me though given that I don’t play pservers and you do.

Did.* Past tense.

Never again. Even if Classic somehow sucks or goes in a direction I dislike.

Classic is Blizzard’s last chance. If they don’t deliver the experience I expect from them, WoW is dead to me and not all the chocolate chip cookies or free pepperoni pizzas in the world will make me come back.

Remember when ESO had that money glitch for the first month and it decimated their economy? This is essentially the same thing. Hell it only takes a day now for people to find an exploit and soon hundreds of people are doing it.


They don’t know how long it’ll last.

They DO know it will not be in Phase 2 though.


The layering system is only meant to help for the initial influx of players that’s all as I stated they plan to shut it off after around a month. They also stated by World Bosses Layering would be off because it would interfere. There is no reason to get upset about something that isn’t a big deal.

Love how the top comment on that is explaining exactly why layering WONT be a problem. Gotta love how quick to outrage people are months before any of us will be affected by this.

It would appear you haven’t paid attention to what i said. I’m fully aware of the situation regarding layering, how it works and all the time estimates given for it’s potential stay.
You don’t deem it as a “big” deal. Fair enough. You do you and relax, and let Blizzard do what they think is best, and play, hopefully enjoy the game they will provide to you with their approach.

In the meantime, i will keep investigating and won’t ignore all the compiling issues that layering will have as a system in Classic, it’s big negative implications on the most important aspects of the game, and the reception that will follow as players absolutely will notice this system interfering with what was supposed to be an authentic recreation of vanilla WoW, not a remaster.

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