Layering Needs To Go

There can never be any sense of community without repeated exposure to the same players, it’s what makes a server feel alive.

If we play with someone and never see them again it makes everyone unmotivated to care about other players. If we group with someone 5 times before over the course of a month, this repeated exposure few in-game might just lead to us becoming friends and even hop on Discord and chat. Maybe, just maybe community would thrive.

The problem with all of Blizzard’s games now is the sense of community is gone. Nobody asked for megaservers, give us servers with 2000 max pop but for the love of god open up every raid at release and stop tiered raid progression. Let the players choose the pace to go at, let the players choose how they play the game.

There’s so many who’re not playing because they login just for raid once a week cause there’s nothing else to do, the raids don’t present a danger cause we’re 4+ months waiting for Molten Core to pass.

We cannot get even a decent classic experience in any sense until get rid of layering and allow repeated exposure of players to create bonds AND form the server community. We cannot keep ppl enchanted in the game tiering raids for each classic release when they’ve played it already, let a player in fresh 60 greens attempt tanking Naxx that’s actually exciting and the world presents true danger again.

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Thanks for sharing, sock puppet.

How about share your feedback where it’s being asked for?

Feedback Wanted: Further Adjustments to Layer Behavior in Stranglethorn Vale - February 23, 2024 - WoW Classic / Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft Forums (

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Nah we need 10x the layers until the bots are gone.


I agree. Get rid of layers please

You must not have tried the stv event…

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So when layers are gone, and most questing zones next level cap are impossible to quest in, all herb/mining nodes camped, and the wpvp is an even bigger lag fest than its already been, you wont complain?

I get wanting to feel a sense of community and how things felt 20 years ago, but the server populations are 5x or more what they were in 2004, just doesn’t seem like a reality. Hell, even doing any open world pvp quest or event in retail is an absolute lag show when more than 20 people are there, and we have already seen issues in the STV event. I get layers aren’t perfect, and I’m not some layer andy, but it seems like its the best we got for now.

Too many layers - world is dead I cant see other people

Few-no layers - OMG the lag is terrible, blizz needs to buy servers, I cant quest, I cant pick herbs or mine nodes, the game is unplayable, I’m unsubbing!!!

We kinda gotta pick one

there needs to be more layers so the bots don’t have full control of the market

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We already have that ever since the tinkering that was done recently to fix the STV event. Wild Growth NA is unplayable if you want to quest or gather. Even at 5AM server time.

Next forum post:





“OMG MY SERVER IS DEAD PLZ GIVE US FREE TRANSFERS OFF!!!” ((specifically in reference to the ‘2000 player cap’, which means we’d need dozens of servers…we did that in 2019))

Yea I’m not sure about how other servers are feeling, I mainly play on Crusader Strike NA Alliance and I definitely see a fair amount of people in low level questing zones while leveling alts, as well as the higher level ones, but they haven’t been super full here, at least not yet.

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Want layering gone? reduce active logged in players again.

Lets see what you enjoy better.

I’m not sure whats up with the lag, I haven’t seen any even in wintergrasp with both teams fighting in the fortress I rarely see any lag.

That’s 240 players all in the same area so I doubt layering is helping reduce lag.