Layering is exactly the same as sharding - lets do some math

Sharding could have been removed too… and been far more effective…

If they LOCKED the layers it would be easy to collapse them as needed

OR split them off into new realms as needed.

Before anyone bashes Locked layers they do not prevent you from playing with your friends people… it is a CHOICE at Character Creation… just like a server…

Which is what they should have done. But they want layers dynamic, because they don’t know how many people will be on each layer. And how that might fluctuate.

True, that is the downside of locked layers… one group might stay full for a long time while another drops off quickly. Just like on actual servers… except in the case of locked layers… they can collapse the small ones… unlike with servers…

Of course I am going to bash that. The whole point is that is supposed to feel like one server no matter how many people are on it. It’s supposed to feel like a community, not separate servers that are suddenly smashed together a few weeks down the road.

It was also acknowledged to be bugs, by Blizzard.

Do not feed.


It’s going to happen whether it is claimed as a bug, when everyone is trying to get to a single layer some will have to be moved to another layer if it is already full. And the phasing is how they will be moved to another layer. Not to mention the manual phasing ability spell everyone gets on a cd.

What kind of community will it feel like for the speed levelers who are layered off onto thier own

Until the layers are smashed together they will be able to enjoy the freedom of empty high level zones due to how layers are determined by total population density…
not zone population density; as it should be…

That being said I STILL say that it should be a separate subscription…

They do not have to specify WHAT WoW version we are subbed to… just that we have a WoW Sub…

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If I was a speed leveller and you only had sharding on a 12k server, I’d feel cheated, because I have to compete with 4x as many people in the higher zones.

By the way, I personally don’t care about the race to 60, but plenty of people do. And layering essentially invalidates all of that. There’s really no accomplishment when it’s dictated upon who can best exploit the layering system to get into layers with little to no quest competition.

This extends also to things like…what guilds complete the first raids. Since it depends on who can get 40 people to max level the quickest, which again, relies on exploiting layering. Layering takes always all these World First (or Classic First, if you prefer) races. And not just for Phase 1, but even beyond that after Layering has been removed. Once a guild gets ahead…they stay ahead.

So I feel bad for people competing for all these races. Since Layering negates all of it.

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I would feel cheated having to use LFR for my raid experience.

Cool, so would I. What’s your point? Random interjections for lack of actual disagreement?

What’s yours, about feeling cheated? Are we writing about feeling cheated? I thought that’s what you wanted to write about. Competition is going to happen regardless of your ideals and feelings at launch.

Well mine is specifically relevant to layering and the fact that if they only shard the starters, then there’s 4x as much population at the higher levels in the early race.

You just seem to want to disagree.

I was just relating to feeling cheated, relax.

People racing to 60 for the raids are probably gonna be doing dungeons so layering doesn’t affect them at all…

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Maybe this is a better example, I’d really feel cheated when I’m mercilessly camping someone and they phase away.

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that was for millions of players too, this is a 15 year old game now

Yep, so theoretically they would only need about 10% of the (2004) servers upgraded to 2019 servers to hold the same amount of people.