Layering is destroying the economy

No trolling here, but I guess you gotta do whatever makes you feel better about conceding.

Keep trying, it’s almost working.

auction houses on crowded private servers were similar to this. it makes it a buyers market (everything is cheap)

thats actually a good outcome for most people, it hurts those that want to play the market all day though

Look, man, there are plenty of basic economics tutorials online. I suggest you find the one that best suits you. Probably something with a lot of colors and simple, monosyllabic explanations.

This is wrong. Once you move to your friends layer you stay there. I have verified this completely as someone 50+ selling stuff out in the world like bags. You don’t phase back.

OP sounds more like he is describing a forming economy. Prices on nothing is stable yet. Level 19 blue weapons excellent for twinking are going for 2 and 3g on Pagle right now when we all know in 8 months they will be 20-30x that price.

Low prices don’t mean the economy is bad.

It’s adorable that you’re still trying.

So your argument is that things that are needed at end game are going to be too cheap?

Is THAT really your entire freak out? Because everyone will be able to afford buying resist stuff and raid?

Not sure you are going to get the type of support you are looking for on this bud…

Due to layers existing, full stop.

The “abuse” of said layers is only shifting whose hands the money/resources reside. You’re simply arguing that a minority of people are choosing to acquire these resources through layer abuse. In the end, to use your example, those 10 frost oil recipes from those 10 layers still exist and will be picked up by players – regardless of layer abuse.

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I already won. I just want to see you display some more of that signature ignorance you’re so loose with.

Haha yes, that is totally the only consequence of inflation. Nice one, dude.

I know people are layer hopping. We’re on a newer server though, with no high level characters yet. This means it’s less of an issue for us. A lot of the fluff on Netherwind is like green items dropped in Westfall for example. Nobody is buying them, but they are flooding the AH. We don’t have an abundance of farmables yet…

Uh oh… looks like a blue confirmed precisely what I said about layer abuse being a very small issue:


Big oof, sir. :laughing:

You skipped the first half of the post? LOL. They said its a problem and they are working on it.

If it didn’t matter, they why are they adding a delay timer? You just proved the thread author’s point. Why don’t they say its not needed and save man-hours and effort? So they are just doing extra work for fun with no reason?

Are you braindead? They are even saying its a problem and that they’re going to address it lol. Basically saying that the people exploiting are going to be fine and keep their items. The cooldown that they said would be in the game from the start, will finally be in the game. All that means is that specific screenshot was faked, and duh, who cares, its the larger and proveable point that streamers are showing themselves layer hopping to farm up unreasonable amounts of gold (mainly mages through vendoring greys/greens since NOTHIGN is selling). It’s obviously not just streamers. Everyone is doing this.

BiG OoF indeed

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Oh man that goal post is moving so fast I think i can see it redshift! :laughing:

Lol 10chars

You’re wrong man, it’s all good, take the education and let go of your anger!

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I’ve noticed this too. Now it makes sense.

What a well-constructed and well-supported retort. You have provided zero counterpoints to my argument and just keep asking obtuse questions or glossing over my responses completely. Let go of your ignorance, educate yourself, and provide more intelligent responses next time. You and Thiccboy are two peas in a pod. Peace, troll.

This if weren’t being hotfixed to prevent such an exploit ^