Layering is a dark stain on Classic WoW, should have been gone by now

We’ve seen layering cause huge disruptions in Classic. Below I am going to outline exactly why I feel this is such a big deal.

We’ve seen it break the community up. On RP servers the RPers are spread apart from eachother. On regular servers world PvP is splintered. It’s hard to find people to trade with that you see in trade chat unless you group with them. The only thing binding the community of the servers together at all is the public chat channels, just like retail.

We’ve seen it be exploited en masse. Blizzard says there isn’t much evidence of this but we all know that isn’t true. Plenty of streamers have for hours just asked viewers for layers (most notably Jokerd the first 60, Monkeynews, Sodapoppin, and others) to either help them farm exp by getting on a layer with new mobs or help them farm nodes by getting on a layer with more nodes. The video evidence is there for them in the open and still the heads are turned and the fingers are placed in their ears.

The economy is in shambles. The economy is so deflated because of an overabundance of materials that it is insane. Linen cloth is selling for a tenth to a seventh of the amount it was selling for just a few days prior to this post on virtually every server. All farmable materials seem to be mirroring this trend a cross the board.

What should be done?
I believe layering needs to be removed immediately. If that is not possible due to population issues it needs to be seriously patched.

TL;DR: See title of thread.


Cool, thanks for another thread on the topic of layering, retail player. we were running low. It’s been addressed by blue and I will take their word over yours… pretty much any time.

Have a great day.


I just read by a blue that the exploits are not really wide spread and the sky isnt really falling. They also know who is exploiting.

Do you believe what they say or what you see?


I believe the blue

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What they say, because the screen shot was fake.

I see people in game having fun.

I see a new game economy that has not settled because no one has disposable income yet.


That’s good. Lets all hope that it works out.

Just a bunch of drama.

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Well, this new add-on will allow layering to be exploited much easier. Blizzard needs to look into this. I made a thread on it, hoping they see it so they can decide if it’s ok or not. They recently broke a similar mod in retail that allowed you to automatically realm hop. This one allows you to automatically layer hop.

Edited to add: I’m not saying that layering needs to be removed at this moment though. I do think they definitely need to take measures to stop exploits people are doing with layering and mods like this should probably be broken.

Not my circus not my clowns. im having a fun time not worrying about what others might be doing

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The sky is not falling. Blizzard responded to people’s honest concerns about exploitation of the layering system, and clarified that much of what you may have read or seen was either greatly overblown or was outright faked.

Relax. Just enjoy the game.

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Economy sucks bc the game is new and gold needs to be created by venders/quests for items to be worth anything. Also note that people know what to farm thus creating more of that item then we saw in classic.

Blizz confirmed that the layering abuse is blown way out of proportion and if you do not believe the developers of the game you should put your tinfoil hat back on bc the government could be stealing your thoughts.

/e puts on tinfoil hat.

They cant get all of us if we run into area 51 at once. We must break the aliens out ASAP.

This is not what Blizzard said. They said they know who’s doing it and have been investigating and keeping an eye on things. They said it’s a smaller problem than some have made it out to be.

That doesn’t mean there’s not a problem or they didn’t see evidence of it. It means relax, they are aware. Not as bad as people make it seem =/= they’re ignoring it. Just that the sky is not falling while they put in more countermeasures.

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I’m not sure how much I trust the same people who thought Classic in NA only needed 8 servers telling me layering abuse isn’t happening that much. In reality you can watch hours and hours of it on Twitch.

I don’t like layering and can’t wait for it to be gone but I believe Blizzard and am no longer that worried about it. And economy isn’t ruined. Of course prices are low with a ton of people in the level range to get those kind of materials. What did you expect?

/e puts tinfoil hat on.

I also dont use microwaves as I do not want any nuclear radiation affects on my body.

We do?


Did I make it in in time? Okay, cool! Churning up the popcorn maker now!
