Layered vs nonlayered for "tourists"

Here is why we can’t have both realms: New players won’t know the difference. They pick a non-layered server and have a negative experience in trying to play the game. This prospect doesn’t interest Blizzard as that is a potential customer lost. Layering is mostly just for the initial burst of people that will be coming in. These posts in general are selfish by not thinking of the big picture instead focusing on personal interest. At least they are not keeping it in permanently. So just deal with it and enjoy the game as much as you can despite its presence.

If they have queues, then there’d still be a healthy population even after 40% leave.

Not really. They’d probably be the most popular realms since they’re actually vanilla, which is what people have been asking for.

Then they try the other kind. Do you really think people are so dumb they couldn’t make that inference?

Actually, on second thought, some people think layering is a good thing, so maybe you’re right.

because if a realm is 50,000/50,000 population, people are more likely to wait in a 10,000 player queue to get in rather than picking one of the other 9 realms with 0/50,0000 players.

if the cap is at 5,000/5,000, they will each more likely have a 1,000 queue, not 1 of the realms having a 10,000 queue and the others having none.

Not dumb, just not knowledgeable about what experience they will end up getting into. They could do a non-layered server and decide to not even play anymore based on just that experience. Just because this possibility exists, Blizzard will choose to prevent that from being plausible.

They don’t have to be knowledgeable to see two different kinds of servers and notice one has huge queues while the other doesn’t.

I wouldn’t say that you CAN’T have both, but it would require having a warning similar to that of the boost a character tokens that they have now, except instead of saying “we suggest you use this on a new character” it would just say something along the lines of “This is a nonlayered servers, higher than average queue times and increased competition over resources are to be expected” can even add that layered is the suggestion for new players as it can be more noobie friendly, and keep in mind this is only for that first few weeks to phase before it’s going away anyways so after a bit they wouldn’t even have to have the warning.

See that word If… thats a big word. I didn’t use if because the reality is people will leave. Numbers pulled from anywhere other than actual vanilla show that. Actual vanilla shows that dead realms happen even with a steady rise in pop. How long would they keep queues? maybe long enough to last but maybe not. Chances are people would start rerolling after week 2 of queues.

While I see your point, the end case right now is that they won’t do it. Blizzard does not want to open excessive amounts of servers if it can be helped. While I don’t demean people for pushing for something they desire, this is one of those things that is an immovable object. Unless you can convince Blizzard that non-layered servers are somehow better financially than layered, it will never happen.

I’m not a “tourist”. I want layering because without it the game is pretty much unplayable due to 1000+ people all in the same area.

But this assumes we’re asking for new servers, they can keep the same number as they’re intending now, we’re just asking for a few of them(not even a large portion of servers) they just turn off layering from the start, instead of a month in.

You specify that you’re not a “tourist” but I’d like to point out that no one was claiming or implying you were for your preference, it’s saying “give players a choice and they will sort themselves out” it’s that simple.

Arguement being made: Do same amount of servers as if they would be like the layered servers.

Problems: That could be practically two servers as far as you know. Just as well, this is what Blizzard considers. A few servers non-layered or all servers layered. Well with all the servers layered, we can gauge how many people are actually playing without impeding there experience. Then we can put out a proper amount of servers prior to phase 2 that players can transfer to freely if desired. Why risk that possibility to have a couple non-layered servers?

Not all tourists know they are tourists. Plenty of people will go in to this thinking that they might play it long term. There is no way of stopping tourists from playing on these servers, and you can bet that they will play on them for a myriad of reasons.

you might be a tourist if you don’t know the difference between layering and sharding by now

you assume the design separate people based on a label, rather than to allow people to sort themselves out based on their own preferences. it doesn’t matter what they people call themselves the word “tourist” is a descriptor of a mindset, not a label for individual players. call them whatever you want it doesn’t matter.

What is the tourist mindset?

I think the point is that some people who intend on playing it long term won’t, and others who intend on checking it out will get hooked. So which one is the tourist there?

Uhhhh that hardly matters at all, if the layered server is 2 as you say then they can take out 3 layered servers out of their what, dozen? they’re going to offer and make that 6 nonlayered servers, let’s say it’s configured differently, again doesn’t matter, what if each layered is 4 nonlayered servers and they’re offer 3 layered servers, just take 1 layered server off and turn it into 4 nonlayered ones so it’s 2 layered to 4 nonlayered, However you want to divy them up it’s not that complicated.

Result is they made more servers compared to what they could have done with layered servers. More money spent because of that. You are pretty much trying to present Blizzard a penny compared to a quarter. You can’t make the penny more appealing to them than a quarter.

What if we offer 2 pennies. Cause two is more than one.

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no, it’s not, no one is asking them to invest jack in anything, we’re saying of the EXISTING server equipment to take a quarter, a third, some fraction that if you want to argue the exacts that doesn’t matter right now without know the exact details and info that probably doesn’t even exists, and split it up, unless you’re saying that layering system is SOOOOOOOO efficient that they’d be drastically reducing the amount of equipment needed to run 12k players on a single server compared to 4(3k pop.) servers then I’d like to explain how that’s even remotely possible, if you have some insider knowledge on this stuff please enlighten me because I can’t imagine their servers being so different that they’d lose that kind of capacity in a conversion considering it’s a feature they’ve made very clear intent to turn off and for it being turned off to ALWAYS be the eventual outcome.

Still ignoring the issue. - dead servers.