#LayerArugal - Please

Ohnoes American is upset, for being called out he has no business in, but will continuously shove his uneducated opinion down our throats “layers are bad, layers are not vanilla, layers are spreading rona, just xfer to a dead realm with aq gates at 30%”


lol no wonder yall only got 1 server. i wanna see you waving the american flag on your front porch, up bright and early at 6am, and profess your love for american freedom. then maybe ill consider taking you seriously.

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Let us know when Australia creates the biggest multiplayer game to ever exist and then you guys can call the shots on how that game should be run.

An American made game, created by an American company, hosted in America, guess those “stupid Americans” call all the shots.

I’d rather wave the Chinese flag tbh more value nowadays, even blizzard thinks so :slight_smile:

china sounds more your alley anyways

It’s only a matter of time before the americans in Irvine, California decide to re-implement layers AGAIN, almost like it’s actually needed.

American’s call the shots? China calls the shots, everyone knows this.

Sorry to break your bubble.

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Shh don’t tell em that half their workers are foreigners n not true blooded americans they might reach for the constitution!

everyone knows the united states is the world’s global superpower. the only country able to be compared is russia, simply because of their stockpile of atomic bombs. thats why the entire world uses the dollar, and thats why english is the most widespread language.

China might call the shots on some things but certainly not in this game, at least not in the regions directly controlled by Blizzard :slightly_smiling_face:

Have they posted enough politics to get 3000 year ban yet?

you guys are so out of touch.


Please bring layers back for Arugal. I would like to play the game.

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Just to clarify, we want layering back.

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Arugal needs layers to function

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Make Arugal Shrek Again


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Intoem layers


It is mindboggling how Blizz doesn’t get this. Arugal isn’t one of the many NA servers. This is oceanic and you cannot treat it as you’d treat the other servers.

Just leave it layered. Whatever problems they believe layering causes, not getting to play the game is the biggest and these guys can’t just transfer to any variety of servers.

Jeez are you kids even in a queue or just #layering before you can establish wether there is a queue ? Also its weekend. You play on a full server you better expect a queue.

This version of wow was not designed with sharding and layering in mind, and all you retail boys do is invite this stupid mechanic in for TBC and wotlk.

Just stop and play on another server or quit the game. Stop ruining the way the world was designed to be. Absolutely atrocious.

Edit: And yes you have other servers than arugal over there. 100%. If you would not be so reluctant to give your perfectly fine alternatives a try you would not have the issue with potential queues.

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