#layerargual 10:20pm ST post - one and a half hour Queue

Yep, peak queue happened a while ago most guildies gave up trying to login at the time 3-4 hour queues we’ve called it… and still a queue.

I’ve posted a couple of these topics- basically to spread the annoyance but check the Time stamps, during the night time for Blizzard employees so you’ll understand why we think anyone who “checked the data” may have not done so and instead just said they did… or done it at 3am in our morning… looking at 1/20th our playerbase overnight.

I can’t speak for the other realms or if this is just a push to get paid transfers before Q3 ends but this is gross.
Again if by Wed this isn’t cleared up the mess of the forums there was tonight might spread out, most people on Argual were ready to take further action.

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