Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself

Please make a few new realms that will have a CD on layer transferring, and without realm transfers from existing realms.

I didn’t really think people were running around with banks full of arcane crystals, but people are absolutely abusing layering. They’re asking around for people to invite them so they can layer hop to farm nodes, farm recipies from vendors, etc. I know because I’ve seen them do it. There’ve been people asking in my guild.

None of this would be possible without layering. Turn them off.

Part of me is really worried that you’re not kidding.

They still don’t HAVE to be as communicative as they have been. Seems they are just more enthused about Classic

it’s stupid to complain about the classic devs responses to things when retail almost never has any for any reason. and the last blue to post all the time was mostly answering fluff questions and was then fired. lol

I more meant why does he pay money to a company he clearly doesn’t trust and play their game if he has zero faith in their communication and business plans, but go off, I guess.

Been watching a few streams on Twitch and you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve seen the following in guild and world/LFG/General chat.

“Can I get a player pls?”

Level 40+ players need to be excluded from layering.

No one is really complaining about them.

so i just did this whole search line thing and it returns the exact same results

It’s amazing that people don’t understand how PR works. People are with out a doubt exploiting layering. The blue is straw manning in the most extreme cases to take away from the over all problem. You can not deny streamers streaming themselves abusing layering, our eyes are not lying to us…

I mean I wouldn’t go around announcing the inability to understand something so simple. Layering is not complicated.

Thank you for confirming!!!

This is by far the best blue post in the last year and a half. Finally blizzard calls out exactly what people are saying as falsehoods.

Thank you and please keep doing this kind of post!!!

What do you mean it isn’t as big an issue as people are making it. Every 2 minutes in any guild or /1, it’s, “Invite for layer hop pls.” People are avoiding PvP, finding item or mob dupes, aoe farming mobs that shouldn’t have respawned yet, and much much more.

It’s a disaster and it’s ruining the experience.

You guys really need to make posts like this its own thread, then sticky the thread.

I honestly don’t think many players care if a people are layer jumping to mine or pick herbs. having a bank full of Black Lotus really isn’t going to do anything to hurt the game (it might even drive down the cost on the AH). I feel like many players are upset because it gives an unfair leveling advantage to a particular class in the game.

“We’ve been monitoring players’ use of layers, and we agree that we should add a delay between subsequent layer transfers.”

“we’re working on deploying some additional controls to further restrain layering from being exploitable.”

I’m sure everybody understands how PR works. Do you understand how reading works?

I wouldn’t be so sure . . .

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the issue is that they are abusing it as an exploit to level and farm materials to sell on ah.

ooooo a layer boss…if you abuse the system and change layers more than say 5 times an hour, your 6th layer swap takes you do the room at the end of Doom and you just die. When you res you have broken Armour.

I’m cool with layering as intended. I don’t really care much for exploits, however.
