Layer Hopping - Please Put Limits

Something that could also prevent people from wanting to layer hop in the first place is make it so joining a group with people from other layers ports the group to a random layer. That would stop people from trying to game the system, even if they’re in a city trying to change layers.

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True, technically the layer a group is on shouldn’t matter unless they’re intentionally using it to hop.

I agree they are setting up communities and economies for failure with this layering. It really needs to be shut off quickly after launch.

If they do intend for it to linger long they should just stop layering after around level 20-30 (or limit it to those zones). Players are a lot more paced out at that point and the main problem would be the starting zone bottlenecks. That way people wouldn’t be able to exploit high end loot and resources. Hopefully they just take it off though I can’t believe they are doing it, it’s such a big change to what is supposed to be the classic experience.

The spawn points are known but not all spawn points activate at the same time, layer hopping also uses time so its not like you spend no time checking the layers. For the large majority of resources you probably will harvest quicker remounting and checking the next possible spawn location in your layer than layer hopping at each possible spawn point. You could work out really efficient farm routes as it was so that you can ride the respawn timer in your circuit and harvest without much delays.

For something like black lotus with such few spawns it will make a bit of a difference but I still dont think it will have big impact overall as there will also be more high level players on the server as a whole doing the layer hopping as well. Each additional layer should come with roughly the same amount of high level farmers to go after the resources so its not like there are more resources per player than before.

Huh, for my entire time playing this game I always thought it only dropped from the elites and bosses spawned during the AQ event and that’s why it was so rare.

Nope. Drops inside Raids as a random.

All terrible solutions.

Here is the solution if there MUST be layering.

  1. Disable layering after a few DAYS not weeks or months

I agree - just shard for the first week. That system is bad - but at least we know it works.

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They said in the video it would last more than a week though.

I think they have no idea how many people are going to be on at launch and the unintended consequences of this untested layer system.

We are not even getting a real beta to test this.

Did you just (you) yourself?

You forgot to swap characters didn’t you.

This is actually true. Layering should only really be needed for a week at most. Although, I would suggest capping servers at 2 layers with a 6000 concurrent user capacity if they are going to be removed that fast.

No, they were replying to this:

And then they quoted themselves.

Ian initially stated something would be needed for a few weeks I believe at Blizzcon. Now all the sudden it won’t go past Phase 1 (2-4 months!!!)… What changed!?


They may be overestimating how many people will quit by Phase 3.

Layering may actually ruin some servers and still leave others empty when it’s removed since it requires people to leave the game for it to work.

How can they be sure one server won’t fill up with people dedicated to Classic, while another fills up with 99% people who will quit.

They can track how many people reach certain key levelling points and push out more servers or even lock the server in question once it reaches a certain point.


Better idea… abandon the whole nonsense.

As it stands Classic is offering nothing to me p-servers don’t already do better.

Layering? Hell phasing is one of the reasons I quit retail.

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If there are less people than they expect, the layers will disappear.

People intentionally misquoting interviews to create panic and confusion.

Ion said a few weeks. In a later question when asked how Layering will affect World Bosses, he replied that it didn’t matter because layering would be gone by the end of Phase 1. i.e. In Phase 2 when the world bosses appear there will never be layering.

Server transfers will be available and if they see a server is likely to stay full during launch, they can add more servers to take the load that would have gone there.

Not going to happen.

Then go back there. We’ve seen clearly that half the values are wrong, people’s ideas on what works and doesn’t is tainted and Private Servers are basically a different game with the same client.

you sure? my guild got one(teebu’s) from the mobs from the AQ event.

Layering becomes more and more problematic when you open your eyes to the simple fact that it is not to benefit us.

With no box cost, there is no way for Blizzard to estimate how many servers it will need.

With a shared sub, there is no way for Blizzard to estimate how many people are going to stick around and how many will be tourists. Only Classic players have to pay (they’ll be able to estimate our numbers with the 2 week early character reservation), retail players get it for free. But an unknown number of retail players are going to check out the game with their free access, and an unknown fraction of them will stick around.

The end result is, blizzard doesn’t know how many servers they will need at launch because of their own boneheaded decisions. Layering solves this perfectly for them.

They will make a number of servers that they will intentionally estimate on the low end (they’ve more or less admitted as much). We end up with like 20 servers with 50,000 people each at launch. By the end of phase one that’s fallen to 20 servers with 10,000 people each. Blizzard gets to say “Look at how successful our game is! It’s more successful than we could possibly imagine” and they 20 new servers and offer free transfers off of original servers, using the sudden 3000+ person queues to encourage transfers.

It’s not for us. It’s for them.