Layer 12 Torghast Flawless - Best Specs to SOLO it

Curious what you guys think, to get flawless Torghast layer 12, what the best specs are for soloing it… and what ilvl ya need to be on the spec to do it.

Assume full build of Tower Knowledge… and yes I get it depends on powers that drop, but let’s just base it off 100 runs, what are the top specs you guys think? I’m asking because we got in a long debate last night (was good humored) so figured I would ask you guys.

I wouldn’t claim to be the expert but I’ve heard that healer specs are actually stupid OP there with the right powers.

Vengeance DH is nice.

Also flawless isn’t just a time/dying thing… doing certain things really helps, like not taking duplicate of powers, or killing a couple elites within 10 seconds of each and not taking epic powers

This is especially true for Upper Reaches where getting flawless is a pain in the butt

Dude, Foxmulder… That has got to be the best name/race combo ever. Oh man, I wish I woulda thought of that. and yeah, I get all the variables… fair points.

Any tank class or Resto Shaman if you want to be OP. However, 12 Flawless is doable with any class and spec. You can also PUG it with a group to make it even more trivial.

ty, changed the title for soloing it. Resto Sham huh? Interesting. Never played a Shaman.

Any of them? It’s Torghast.

Yeah I didn’t ask if every spec COULD… I asked what the BEST specs were. Big difference :slight_smile:

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For me, Condemn Warrior made getting my flawless runs for all 12 very simple.


What was your ilvl?

With the right powers (and legendary), Resto Shaman definitely seems to be the easiest, followed very closely by ele shaman. One-minute cd Earth Elemental with double, permanent earthquake is crazy strong.

I did it in the beginning of the season on an item level like, 227 warrior in mostly last season’s PvP gear.

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WW Monk
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid

Any of those classes could do it easily with the right powers. Resto Shaman in particular is extremely strong.

Shami gets my vote. Drop any totem, casts lust and ascendance. Little in this game is more satisfying. The permanent earth elemental is cool too.

Demonology and fury are probably in the top three.

Any spec is able to do it, it’s not like it’s hard.

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I have been doing them with my Fury Warrior 242 with not much trouble. I just play it cool, and have patience. Remember the goal is to not die, not to rush the place.

There are very small chances you don’t get good powers with Fury Warriors. Almost all of them are able to scale really nicely.

Impending Victory is mandatory to have an easy time though.

I’ll mention Hunters; we certainly aren’t the best class in Torghast because our powers are very mediocre, but BM’s core design and philosophy makes it good in solo content and that’s been true since Classic. This is especially true lately with how Ferocity pets work. It’s an infinitely mobile ranged DPS with very simple gameplay and a pocket tank. Even with mediocre class powers it’s very easy to clear Torghast with 5 stars even at lower item levels.

Anything with, like, 240 iLvl should be able to do it.

The trick is full clearing and not dying. Speed factors in very well nowadays, to the point that I’d recommend partnering with a tank to expedite the whole run. I’ve gotten up to, I think, 345 points in a run. With the room timer balancing it’s a lot more forgiving than it used to be, as well as the powers revamps. Warrior runs were awful pre-buff, and I’m almost amazed I cleared the Twisting Corridors way back in 9.0 as Fury.

Resto Shaman babbyyyyy.

Chernobyl Rain can wipe packs instantly, 1 min Earth Ele CD with permanent Earthquake, crazy fast Flame Shock ticks with buffed Lava Burst damage, and Stormbringer with buffed Chain Lightning damage and targets. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll end up with all the above, turning into a walking nuke.

So many builds in there, and they all do well (others do better ofcourse), and a low risk of dying due to being a healer.