Lay on Hands macro bug

Lay on Hands is currently not working with macros such as mouseovers, at least for me. It likely has to do with the talent changing the spellid, but even with the talent and shift clicking the ability into the macro it fails to work. If I don’t have the talent it just says I don’t have the spell learned. Has anyone found a workaround for this, specifically for mouseover macros?


I don’t have a permanent solution, but usually if I talent into and out of Empyreal Ward, maybe log in and out, that fixes it. If you don’t want to worry about it breaking on you randomly, remain talented into Empyreal Ward until the bug gets fixed.

Even with it talented it would still break for me, it wouldn’t do the spell not learned thing but the macro would just not fire. Logging off and back on again a few times fixed it for now. Thanks.

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Ahhh damn, yea, it’s a really annoying bug. Glad that sort of fixed it for you.

I think LoH resets itself at the start of a m+, so you can always check if it’s working or not when you enter the instance. Good luck out there

Here Healbot is not casting LoH anymore, game just say “spell not learned”. Weakauras are bugged as well and don’t show if LoH is on cooldown for example.

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Yeah, logging out and back in fixes the mouseover macro. Sometimes changing talent builds does as well(it’s not 100% I’ve noticed).

Use the built-in click casting instead of a macro?

i know i am restarting an older post.

but it seems that Empyreal Ward makes the macro /cast [@player] work.

but healing hands talent doesnt work.
when i do cast LoH the timer is still 7 min and the WoG heal w/ 3 Holy Power just doesnt heal the way it used to.

additionally the Healing Hands addition to the LoH tooltip doesnt appear.

Additionally, the Prot tree and the Ret tree here offer different choices. Prot only has afterimage - it does not offer Healing Hands choice. And healing Hands does not appear in the spellbook as a passive.

LoH seems to work macro’d for Prot Pally. so the problem seems to be the Healing Hands and Empyreal Ward pathing

bump because still bugged @blizzard

Still bugged. “Spell Not Learned” when swapping specs, relogging fixes the macro.

Still having this issue here. Using healbot and the command /cast lay on hands