Lay on Hands bug? (Empyreal Ward talent)

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but I’m noticing that when I’m in my M+ prot build and I don’t have Empyrean Ward talented (grants armor when you use LoH) then I cannot use any macros or click-casting on unit frames to cast Lay on Hands.

I’ve also noticed that the game is treating Lay on Hands as two entirely different spells depending if I talent into Empyrean Ward. I can replicate this by casting Lay on Hands while that’s NOT talented, the spell will go on cooldown, then I can talent into Empryean Ward and the cooldown is separate, I can cast it again. If I switch between this talent my cooldown timers for the spell are different based on when I last cast them.

Furthermore, if I make a macro with “#showtooltip Lay on Hands” it will show me the cooldown timer of the spell version with Empyrean Ward talented which is the only version castable via click casting or macros for me currently.

This is very strange behavior, not sure if it’s intended but it’s somewhat game-breaking for me at least since I’m forced right now to talent into Empyrean Ward if I want to be able to click-cast LoH in an M+ setting without significantly disrupting my existing keybindings.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to clarify. This is while I’m in Protection spec with the Templar hero tree. I do not experience this issue as Holy. I have not tested this as Ret.

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Yes it changes the spell ID. Like you have to make completely new weakauras for it as well.

For macros you will need to specify the ID.
Like /cast talent blah Spell ID; spell ID

There is an add-on called spell ID I believe that tells you anythings ID of you cursor over it.

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You cannot macro cast by spellid.

Macros of spells with overrides are commonly pulling the version of the override when its unavailable resulting in the macro being unusable until you logout. I haven’t looked into lay on hands specifically, but generally getting a macro to swap to an unavailable spell override requires a specific order of talent or spec changes, often followed by an instance loading screen. The only fix is then logging out, or changing your talents to the override attempting to be cast. The latter is more of a bypass than an actual fix though.

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You sort of can using add-on or using known in the macro. But youtr right my exact example wouldn’t work. That is a bit annoying for Loh…

Begone from my domain, intruder

Happens as Ret as well. I think relogging usually fixes it. You can test if it’s broken by casting LoH via your macro when you first arrive at the instance. The CD will reset when the run starts. It’s an annoying bug though.

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This conditional cannot be used to cast by spellid. It’s a simple true/false return on whether or not you know a spell. It does not change the ability the macro will attempt to cast to that specific spellid.

Macros simply cannot cast by spellid.