Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

  • They developed their obsessive hatred of me on the Story Forum (could be a regular I have blocked or has been perma-banned from the forums already eg Smallioz) by their own admission
  • Twitter profile pics they’ve used are: Roman Imperial double eagle with SPQR, crest of Lordaeron, Blood Elf symbol, and a “derp” meme draenei
  • only non-English accounts they interacted with were German in every remake attempt, both WoW media German accounts and German political parties of the Far Right variety
  • Wowpedia sock puppet accounts always reference Tolkien mythos (eg Sindarin, Silvan) or celtic paganism (eg Morrigan), or Germanic words (eg Jarl)
  • On their latest attempt at a racist harassment troll account, they followed multiple “New Atheists” (eg Sam Harris) and Alt Right Intellectuals (eg Peterson)
  • Part of their weird harassment was also attacking me talking about my faith, but would often reference Paganism too
  • Had racist beliefs toward Arabs, Native Americans, Black people, and Latin Americans, but in particular Arabs and Islam, and second most racist comments were towards Natives
  • Would usually post either late night and extremely early morning for my time (US Central), and continuously therein, so I presume they are likely in Europe if they aren’t insomniatic (not impossible)
  • They periodically use the argument that naming any cultural roots in WoW is “actually” racist
  • They defend Golden aggressively (AGGRESSIVELY, attempted to claim my criticisms were harassments), but attack Madeleine Roux and McKinney
  • Their latest Twitter account had the bio “Love the Alliance, hate the game”
  • Strongly self identified as a feminist and retweeted/liked a lot of stuff about the plight of the Night Elves in the narrative however
  • Followed and liked a lot of Queer and Trans wow artists
  • Would express particular concern about Blood Elf lore with secondary frequency to Night Elf likes

I assume it is one person given not this time but the previous time Wowpedia Sock Puppets were made, they all were using the same IP address. It could be multiple people in proximity to each other other.

Also one of them, before they were blocked, accidentally copied the name of another Andean tribe to the Belf Talk Page, so my money is on a fourth sock puppet was about to appear and claim to be an Andean Indigenous Person Just Like Me™ and how I am super wrong or whatever.

Lots of weird stuff, deeply concerning tbh


Sounds like a Dwarf whose name starts with F.


I suspect that and last time I accused him he claims to have been “warned” by a “spy” I suspected him since the very first wowpedia sock puppet said it was because of the story forum and the only person I argued with that day was him, so quite possibly.

Can’t be Erevien cuz he would be incapable of saying “Love the Alliance” on an ontological level.


Either that or Smallioz… did you say he got permabanned from the forums?

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That seems to be what happens to a lot folks here.

I don’t mean about you in particular. I just mean in general.


I think so, unless Smallioz was someone’s secondary sock puppet account for the purpose of expressing their real beliefs.

He’s been MIA since his latest weird tirade back in June I believe.

The power of my takes, etc

Make a twitter and we’ll see if you get weirdo stalkers too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Going to bed gn yall <3


Some of the ABetterABK leadership were talking about unionization on twitter again

Maybe?? Hopefully?!?!

Plz mods unionize

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I accidentally sent my reply before I was finished. I did want to mention that it’s kind of telling how these sorts of things can go hand in hand with certain people :

The sad thing is, this is such a common profile in Gamer culture, that it would be hard to narrow it down. And not just in the US, but also Europe.

No thank you.

Some people delight in plastering their lives everywhere for attention, and seem to enjoy acquiring weirdo stalkers across multiple platforms, as if it validates them.

That is not my style.


Twitter is the single worst place on the internet and constant exposure to it will inevitably cause acute brain poisoning. There are no exceptions and nobody is immune.


Not much of a difference there between that particular one and the second group.


Thank you for also realizing he’s problematic because he’s also been targetting me. I think he’s more sexist though, and he’s transphobic.

But I don’t think he’s Baal’s harasser, he’s still here.

There’s a certain German level 11 blood elf, Zairwrites (or something) who hasn’t been seen on the forums since July/August.

You guys used to get into a lot of lore debates. he was also very into Tolkien. I suspected he was/is your twitter harasser.


And I know Zair would often attack Baal on this forum when Zair was proven wrong.


Yeah, he also got called out a few times for Islamaphobia and anti-semitism. He would argue against Tolkien being racist.


Which I always found weird, because Tolkien himself admitted he was racist when he was younger and regretted a lot of the things he wrote.


A Classic Gnome who really wants Sylvanas dead, hates the Horde?

Oof, I’m in trouble.



I am a huge Tolkien fan. The racial overtones are a bit “in your face.” One of the reasons I can stomach being a fan - the author came around, before the end, and at least acknowledged it and expressed contrition. He didn’t deny it.

His estate has taken some measure to bolster a change in the narrative, based on his notes - like mentioning rebellions against the Dark Lord in other areas, saying that the Blue Wizards may have been busy doing the same sort of stuff Gandalf did, basically giving room for similar heroics across middle earth- not just the west.

It is the fans who deny the exclusionary aspects of LotR that are kinda scary. It’s like… um… even the creator acknowledged it, and lamented it.

English, version one

And the forum plunges into darkness,
The crying ones left us a long time ago
And only a small fist argues -
“Churchman” and “enemies” of him, well, how petty.

There are no events, no announcements,
Everything moved forward, only loud scandals
We paint the day, but no colors
Not added to the palette - everyone dyes the blankets.

And carving out the rotten fabric, they
Dig into long-forgotten canvases
After all, there will soon be the Last Judgments,
And the time has come to die under the sun.

English, version two

And the forum plunges into darkness,
Those who sob have left us a long time ago,
And only a small fist argues -
“The Churchman” and his “enemies”, well, how small.

There are no events, no announcements,
Everything has moved forward, only loud scandals
The day is being painted for us, but no colors
Have been added to the palette - everyone is painting blankets.

And having cut out the rotten fabric,
They dig into the long-forgotten canvases,
After all, there will soon be the Last Judgments,
And the time has come to die under the sun.


И форум погружается во мрак,
Рыдающие нас покинули давненько
И спорит только небольшой кулак -
“Церковник” и “враги” его, ну как же мелко.

Событий нет, анонсов никаких,
Все сдвинулось вперед, лишь громкие скандалы
Нам красят день, но красок никаких
В палитру не добавили - все красят одеяла.

И вырезав гнилую ткань, они
Впиваются в давно забытые полотна,
Ведь скоро будут Страшные суды,
И наступило время умиреть под солнцем.


Churchman :laughing:


I love your poetry.

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