Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

Yeah, Muehzala is basically how the Baron usually works in media. When Blizzard first introduced Bwonsamdi in the retaking Echo Isles event, he was basically a ifferent character there too: much more serious and complaining about how he’d been forgotten.

Another difference is that Mueh’zala is just a made up loa with a made up name and made up characterization. This is the case with most loa in WoW.

Bwonsamdi is a pretty blatantly Baron Samedi though, who is also an actual prominent Lwa in Vodou/Voodoo with a very distinct personality. Blizzard’s also featured/mentioned other real world Lwa like Dahmballa and Ayazin (even more prominent Lwa) and just straight up didn’t bother even slightly changing the names, but the characterizations they got were pretty much unrelated, or even the opposite of their real world namesakes.


You left out half my statement, so i will repeat :

Simply acknowledging the past with a few words and waving it off is lip service.

Acknowledge the harm, and use the previous profits made on the backs of those that were harmed to make recompense.

If things are not up to his standards now, he should include the periods he himself has acknowledged the company was mismanaged. Instead of just “from here on out.”

Saying “from here on out” seems like a way to dismiss any actual monetary blame for the past events. So basically, just lip service.


Thank you for this explanation.

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I quoted what I read as the main ideas you were thinking about; then added things from the letter that were in that vein.

If that somehow came across personally it wasn’t intended that way.

The legal system honestly works by appointing a value to end arguments and declare them closed via trial/settlement/etc.
It was a necessary function for tribes who were all too eager to kill each other, and it grew into what we have now.
Where there is blame, and money owed, is something for the process to decide.
We can all have our opinion, but that doesn’t make it a legal duty that person X gets money from company Y.

Kotick is the CEO, not ATVI itself. His paying out of his pocket is not a resolution of the company’s legal question. His paying out can only resolve something he was directly involved in, which DFEH doesn’t even allege to date. It would not be an ATVI legal issue resolution for Kotick to throw money at people. (I’m not saying giving away money is illegal, he could pass around his money. He can’t use the company’s investor page for that, however.)

ATVI itself did not have full day to day control of Blizzard, where most alleged events happened, at all times relevant to the legal proceedings. There is a corporate responsibility as it was their subsidiary, but, as a number of events appear to have been during a relative era of independence there will be questions about what responsibility that entails.

The allegations I am aware of to date have left me with only contempt for the former management of Blizzard. Those allegations all point to a rot that predates Kotick. It’s a reality that the law requires him to work through the legal process, and protect the company.

If a regulator presents decisive legal points Kotick absolutely would have a responsibility to accept what those are; right now that’s where the EEOC is, but not DFEH.

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With big green eyes.

What was that about “eyes of green”? Oh.


If anshe is the vassal of life with green eyes I will literally turn into a mango and eat myself


How to reconcile this position and “An’She must not be evil”?

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If the Cat and the Moon and Sun Birds are hints to the next Expansion and An’she is the Vassal of Life then An’she is no better than the Amathet who draw on his power.

Now who could An’she be allied with to betray the Pantheon of Life?

Of course I’m banking on Life itself as a Cosmic Entity who wants to break out and consume all existence.

Al’firim the Broker suggests that all Cosmic Forces originate from singular entities forcefully brought together and the name of the Sepulcher Zereth Mortis is so similar to Azeroth which Sylvanas calls a prison implies that the First Ones(whom Blizzard states created the Cosmic Realms) imprisoned 6 Cosmic Entities(with the 7th AKA lurking within the Pattern itself) in order to keep them from destroying existence!

I also expect that we will resolve the Naaru matter in the Gardens of Life Expansion and not the Light Expansion considering the Naaru are heavily indicated by Light’s Heart’s reaction to the Tears of Elune to be creations of Elune.

If the Darkness that grew to fill the hole in Sylvanas’s Soul is indeed a Cosmic Entity in of itself and due to Anduin constantly being drained hijacks Zovaal and those he used Domination Death Magic on in order to grow in power then Zovaal’s demise and the end of Domination would result in the Darkness being banished along with his power to whichever Cosmic Realm spawned it.

Of course if the Darkness like Shadow comes from the Void(and that’s assuming the Shadow comes from the Void and not the Veil AKA Realm of Shadows) then the Darkness can easily hijack the Naaru just like the Void Lords do once it reforms using the power it acquired while hijacking Zovaal.

All Naaru being hijacked(just as Amon hijacked the Khala) would be reason enough to go to their creator to fix the problem and thus bring us to the Gardens of Life… Of course Elune’s solution might just be to shut them down long enough to kill them leaving the Light with only the Lightforged and it’s own native denizens which we know nothing about.

As for what I think the First Ones are: If we treat them as being similar to Babylon 5’s First Ones then their oldest members are the First Born. Protoss call themselves the First Born in StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void…

Yes I’m insinuating that the First Ones are the Protoss(First Born), Zerg(Shadows) and whatever race resembles the Vorlons with the 7 Cosmic Forces being Xel’naga with Amon’s remnants within the Protoss being drawn into the fabric of their Cosmic Realm prisons for the 6 Xel’naga thus resulting in the Darkness lurking in all Souls which first reared it’s head inside Sylvanas.

Of course that means Amon will first hijack Zovaal and his forces then hijack the Naaru(necessitating a visit to the Gardens of Life to meet their creator) once Zovaal(and Amon’s brother/sister Death/Azeroth/Zereth Mortis) falls banishing Amon back into the Void(which has a link to Naaru) now that he is sufficiently revived.

Marvel Comics combined it’s own franchises as did DC Comics so Blizzard doing the same thing is not hard for me to imagine.

They already have…

It’s called heroes of the storm.


Marvel didn’t simply combine Franchises in a single work they did it for all works!

Same goes for DC Comics! Every Franchise in DC Comics is officially a shared Universe!

Please don’t :rofl:


That’s an image I’m struggling to get my head around. A screen shot will be appreciated.


Let’s not be naive. I’m sure that’s at best temporary.
He will get his bonuses back if they feel like it’s save again. That’s my prediction.

Also this seems… not true. They protected harassers, some still seem to work for blizzard.
The pro torture lunatic is also still working for them.

It’s naive to believe them at this point. They need good press. That’s it. Wait longer and see if they change. I say they likley won’t.
Of course also no words about what the workers want and about fair wages.


On a related note, I found out this morning my wowpedia harasser is my Twitter harasser and is from the Story Forums :slight_smile:


I have a few guesses who it is.


That’s good news. Hopefully mods take this harassment seriously and bans that person.


There’s like 5 regular posters on these dead forums so don’t leave us in suspense


Dunno who it is yet, but as the months go on they get more and more reckless with their personal information so I’ll figure it out eventually. This last round gave up the most identifying information.

Doubt this is the end, they’ll make another Twitter or Wowpedia sockpuppet within a week. They rarely last more than 5 days without trying to pull some racist nonsense.


Yes, it is, even says so:

…until the Board has determined that we have achieved the transformational gender-related goals and other commitments described above. -from the letter.

What’s the information that you have?