So the lawsuit’s over
I don’t think any real justice was achieved.
So the lawsuit’s over
I don’t think any real justice was achieved.
Paywalled, but seriously, the state couldn’t prove anything?
Maybe everyone jumped to too many conclusions
Could be that. Or it could just as easily be that once most/all of the abusers were fired, it’s a much harder case to prove in court when the company is the defendant and not the actual abusers. That’s not uncommon at all.
Free version of a summary.
It seems it was more of a settlement issue. The company pays out a settlement, and the state says they couldn’t find evidence of wide-spread harassment.
Two-tiered justice system in action.
Yeah, for real.
But at least the victims got something from the settlement, even if they didn’t get justice.
So, are they ignoring all the interference with the investigation that the company did? Intimidating witnesses and victims? Shredding HR records? That all goes away because some money was thrown at it.
So far, it looks like it. They could bring the company up on charges as a seperate suit to be sure, but now that Microsoft owns ActiBlizzKing, it probably wouldn’t be worthwhile in the long run because the corporate structure will be different. And, y’know, money.
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)
“Mo Money, No Problems.”
~The Notorious A.Lyn.Sa