Lava Surge

Okay, This horse has been beat enough I know but…

Either the proc chance needs to revert to 15% or add a scaling chance on top of the 15% added to mastery like WF proc chance is on enhance mastery.

So we’d have baseline 10% and then along with our overloads we’d gain a % chance increase on top of that for more Lava Surge.


I would probably have agreed a week ago, but the lava surge legendary really smooths this out. I run into situations where I can’t cast my lava bursts fast enough before having to cast another earth shock and getting another free burst.


As the above poster has said the nerf is not noticeable at all when running the legendary … it’s a constant stream of meatballs .


Definitely feels like the nerf was brought on by the leggo being a thing which honestly I’m fine with. Just made the change to ele this week and omg this spec feels sooo smooth. I even decided to main it after bouncing between a few classes

Agreed. Its the one thing that feels frustrating about Windspeaker is when you Earthshock but get a lava surge proc at the same time.

(it also feels like a bug, but in these situations the +20% damage to the instant lava burst does not apply properly)

Don’t think it’s a bug. , only the lava burst triggered by ES has the 20 percent buff. Or so is my understanding .

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Pretty much this. I’ve stopped using Icefury because I love running aftershock and the results of that typically mean I can’t find time from spamming LB and ES to use all of my frost shocks. More lava Surges would be chaotic and I would probably never have to cast lightning bolt.

no its your next lava burst is increased. you could cancel the lava surge proc (from earth shock) and hard cast a lava burst with the boost if you wanted to. idk why getting an additional lava burst is over writing the boost.

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Wait are you sure? A normal LB will crit hit for around 4.6k, when I do ES followed by the instant LB it will hit for around 5.2k+ When the proc ends it hits like a normal LB (with FS)

-edit added more words

Aye soon as I equipped the leggo on my shaman it was meatball city. Would have to say lavaburst makes up 38-50% of my damage some fights

You need the legendary. Elemental DPS is absolutely crap and not fun without the legendary.

breakdown in design philosphy

Good developers smoothed out the rotations and the legendary’s / soul binds make them really fun

Bad developers took our base abilities away and then trickle them back to us and call it progression


Yeah, I just can’t bring myself to run borgast

oh just realized i never got back to this.

i dont know for sure, but it seemed to happen enough times that i took notice of it. I’m going to record my raid group this weekend and if i notice it, ill make a point to look back and see if im just crazy.

If I’m reading this right for 60 levels Ele Shaman is crap until you get the legendary at 60.
Good Job Bliz. way to make a class spec attractive.


I wouldn’t say crap, ele is pretty fun (it’s my offspec but currently running a lot lately except for when I need to play super serious :joy: ), but it’s definitely WAY more fun once you get Windspeakers legendary, and feels A LOT smoother.

Especially when you get on a roll with icefury / earthshock / lava burst weaving, you can get some pretty fun streaks haha

I have a Ele sham at 60, I decided that I was gonna play as Elemental Spec this expansion, and from 50-60 I leveled, mostly solo, as Elemental. It wasn’t painful. It went rather smooth. I did die a few times but it was expected. I learned that in sticky situations, Hex + Capacitor totem & running for my life works lol. Id hardly call the spec crap either. I suppose the legendary is the chery on top

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Why design a spec to rely on legendary items?

Elemental is good without the legendary, but it feels really really good with it.