Lava lash server give your opinions for the devs

This post is for the devs to see Lavalash players give your opinion my issue is theres 500g per character and this is the only PVE RP server so we are force to go to pvp rp server if we want a RP server is kinda trash blizzard keep Lavalash alive because its PVE AND ONLY PVE RP server is my opinion

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What in the blue hell are you talking about

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500g per character?

It doesn’t really matter, at this point I assume the dumbest possible decision is the one the SOD devs will go with.


there’s a 500g cap per character to transfer to another realm

I can hardly wonder why they did that for…

apologies for bad englis

where were you when lava lash was kil

I was at home eating dorito when phone ring

“Lava Lash is kil”



I had more than 500g and all my gold transferred with me.

No. I had more than 500g and all my gold came with me.

This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen Blizzard do in a long time.

I do not understand why people have such a ridiculous attraction to Mega Servers.

Both options are terrible for transfers.

Crusader Strike is NOT a RP server, they don’t enforce any RP rules n that server. People were BEGGING for a PvE RP server at the start of the SoD because we didn’t want to be forced onto a PvP-RP server (because these are never actually RP servers, they are just PVP servers)

Wildgrowth is not a good option either, because if I wanted to play on a dang massive server I would have rolled on one to begin with. I have no intrest in doing so.

Entire change is absolutely ridiculous.


Awful move by the devs.

I’m going to ride this out with my circle as long as they do, but once that ends so will my sub. Forever, honestly.

I haven’t dropped money on any Blizzard products in years, but this SoD thing brought me back. Haven’t touched Diablo 3/4, will never touch Overwatch 2, and all their other games have been money grubbing trash tier BS.

Haven’t played WoW since 2007, but SoD looked like a great return to the bygone days of a good MMO community.

Nope. Megaservers and a lot of horrible design choices just absolutely killing the things I liked about old WoW.

Won’t ever touch WoW again after my new buddies stop playing. Whether that is soon or Soon™ is yet to be determined, but all this mismanagement has put the final nail in the coffin for me.


You shut down Lava Lash, the only non-pvp RP server, and I will unsubscribe. Even though I’ve been playing since 2006. This is one of the big reasons why your company is failing.


I will probably just quit they constantly make stupid decisions that ruin the game. Not going to keep giving them my money.

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I seriously don’t understand how it’s possible to have this great promise of a product that really delivers on launch and then just produce Ls non-stop.

It’s really hard to understand it. Did they replace their whole team? Did the business intervene to their loss? Or was P1 just a happy accident?

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Make sure you put that in the reason when you unsub. I have 2 accounts ill unsub on as well. #savelavalash

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feel for you guys they screwed us on Chaosbolt…but less servers are less work for them

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Gonna make less money too though cuz im gonna unsub on both accounts. I refuse to be ona 30k pop server. How on earth can you possibly farm mats for stuff? I prefer to make my own stuff and you cant do that on a server with 30k people.

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WildGrowth shoulda just been flagged as RP-PVE from Day 1.
If there’s only one PVE server anyway, might as well be the RP-PVE to Crusader Strike’s RP-PVP

But if the shuttering of Chaos Bolt and Lava Lash was the plan, shoulda just combined those rather than shuttering both.


I feel ya, wish i never bought the long sub or id do the same, so all i do now is bgs