Lava burst for ele

Why is lava burst so weak? Ascendance has been a dead talent “outside of beta” for far too long. I try to like ele but it makes me sad lava burst is a button you don’t want to press. It was like 2 years ago lava burst was nerfed for pvp which impacted pve and that is when ele stopped being fun to me. Lighting bolt spam and ignoring procs for lava burst suck. Rant over #makelavaburstgreatagain

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LvB being buffed and Ascendance is changing in 11.0.5.

It’s nerfed because people have been complaining about lvb spam for a long time now. Along with that, it was one of the highest dps specs in early beta so they decided to nerf it.

As Soartotes says it is getting buffed in the next patch by 20%. However the buff is sort of off set by a blanket 8% dmg nerf. Combining it with the nerf it will be doing about 10% more damage it is currently doing.

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