Do i have to use this ability? The bloats bad enough already and i usually take lava burst off my bar completely. Does the stormbringer talent tree buff lighting bolt to the point i can just use that as a single target ability?
Also whats up with all the mastery focused builds. I keep seeing players choose mastery over haste but in dungeons i feel reallllly slow
IMO, you don’t need Lava Burst and its there if you want it. And typically, if you go the ‘elemental’ route with the Enhancement Shaman (Fire and ice), sometimes you’d take Lava Burst for Elemental Blast as it does tremendous amounts of damage as is while giving you another as a charge.
I’m running almost purely Lightning with some ice attacks to weave or deal with downtime when nothing else is being used, its a bit more RNG reliant but it does quite enough by itself.
As for the Mastery over Haste, it just has more value because of Tempest doing huge amounts of damage alone, especially if you can get into a feedback loop, more you can proc and cast Tempest, more you can keep spamming Lightning. Mastery tends to become far more important then over haste. At least by experience. It helps having hase but when you’re in the rhythm, it doesn’t matter much. Anything to give you more and more Maelstrom Weapon stacks. And don’t forget you have Stormbringer’s Unlimited Power, giving you 1% Haste every spent Maelstrom for 15 seconds but doesn’t refresh the duration once started.
How you gonna complain about bloat while having a completely useless ability for your build on one of your binds?
You want to build for Mastery and Haste over Crit and Vers.
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I havent touched enhance since the beginning of df so im pretty rusty lol, good to know irs a usless ability tho
Do not use burst in stormbringer ever.
Nope. You don’t use lava burst at all. Only lighting bolt and EB if talented and with ice and fire wolfies
Written from my phone, damn auto correct, now i noticed.