Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

I remember this!! LOL he was so MAD!! and let EVERYONE KNOW how mad he was haha good times

Oh, Hyperstream. That guy funded my Arcanite Reaper with that competition he was having repeatedly one weekend where he would go to a random zone and wanted people to find him without /who and /target. Yeah, I cheated.

Guys its ok, Ninja Pirates From Space is back for Classic!

Lazer the human rogue? My bro was Decever a human mage and I knew they were homies and played together with another dude I think named like Sikle or something human mage - I know that same dude also had a NE War named Tezen. My bro was in The General Public. Wondering if any of that rings a bell. I was Gadan arms pvp war but I can’t remember my guild names.

I remember Gaea.

I remember Spyro!

Nice now go 69 each other

Original Danthe

Holy hell there are alot of familiar people on here. Jarlaxel - i think you know full well about the extra marital stuff that spawned from this game…

This guy. . . :wink:

Hail friend!

NPFS, We’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

lmk what server you guys play on…always good to play with people who know what they’re doing lol

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You give us too much credit. :wink:

do you guys remember that dude Pandamoniumx? Probably spelling it wrong. He had guilds named after him on horde and alliance. I’m pretty sure he was the guy who wrote erotica in trade all the time :sweat_smile: I think that was my first ever guild.

God I’m so bad with names but I recognize a few of you, not from playing just from being around. Granted I didn’t start playing until mid-BC. Mystborn#11191 if you wanna add me

-Killala/Kyraah from Spite

Definitely recognize everyone on here so far, or at the least guild tags. Anyone with a fondest memory on LS? Pretty sure mine is being there for the infamous TR/VQ drama where we eventually ran them off the server.


Your name seems familiar, Mid BC iirc, i was raiding with spite as a resto shammy - Moonroze

Get this TBC talk out of here, Vanilla is what mattered.

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Oh man, it’s great to hear from you and Midgar! I hope all is well for you two!

I can remember the first MC clear with you all. Trying to get the mature sinew from
Onyxia was stupid.

A lot of great times raiding with Novus Ordo!

Cinster, Gnome Mage from Shadowed Legion. I’ll be rolling Horde when release hits, but thought I would drop by to see if anyone is still around!

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Battlebacon - Human Warrior. Definitely didn’t reach any real end game guilds but I remember Chavo and Darkspeaker. I was in Zerglings for a little bit; never got into anything serious and ended up in Credere (smh). Lemme know if you remember me!

The salt is real here.