Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Human Warrior - Swordstrong

Really hoping to find Rox and Tellie!

my battle net is AGrumpyPeng1#1559 if anyone that remembers me wants to add me. Have a decent size group of friends that are gonna be playing if anyone that is running solo wants to join us.


The reason Deus Vox “came from nowhere” and was able to overtake the more established guilds like TR, VQ and IE was because they EXPLOITED raid IDs in BWL in order to run MULTIPLE instances each week.

This allowed them to gear up incredibly fast and faster than the guilds that were not exploiting. And I suspect that it enabled them to entice players away from other guilds with the promise of easier loot.

A member of Deus Vox was very happy to explain to me exactly how it worked on Reddit recently, but wasn’t too happy when I pointed out that it rendered all of their “progress” and “achievements” worthless.

“Then we would grab 5 more alts and do this pattern 3-4 more times a week.”

“We did it for a month…It is not like we did it for 6 months… Get your head out of your a**.”

So their core raiders were doing 7/8 BWL bosses up to 5 x a week for a month, that’s 40 raids to get them the same amount of loot that would/should take 5-6 months.

So that’s multiple opportunities to get BIS items like DFT, Rejuv Gem, Nef’s Tear etc etc.

You can make the argument that other “world first” guilds were probably exploiting the ID too, but we don’t know for certain which ones were and which ones weren’t.

If you ever wondered how DV could “come from nowhere” despite being made up of scrubs that couldn’t get into TR, VQ or IE then now you know!


I mean DV was still the top guild through BC so there’s clearly more to it than just “lol exploit raid IDs”

Whisky here, human pally spamming flash of light and cleansing/buffing lol.

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Nostalgia hitting pretty hard here.

I played Araziel in vanilla and then took over my cousin Danthe’s account during the later stages of BC.

Played about a year with TR until we left for P4L late in vanilla. Been with P4L ever since. I come back for about a month every new expac.

Will def be playing classic WoW.

I recognize most names posted here.

Ossoi, I agree with you. Once DVs success was established in Vanilla, the name attracted top PVE raiders in BC, so one could argue that exploiting did play in their favor throughout the following years. However, one can not downplay their solid management and officers which were able to maintain a good core of raiders for so long. Last I heard an attractive girl tore the guild apart though, LOL.

Curses, I’m still waiting for you to mail me my shirt.


TBC progress doesn’t change the fact that DV cheated in BWL, which gave them a massive advantage going into AQ and subsequently Naxx.

Going into AQ with every raider in 8/8 T2 gear and BIS weapons/trinkets was a massive massive advantage vs the rest of the server.

They cheated, nothing else left to say

I have no idea what shirt you are talking about. Also, Boston was an a-ok time!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Nathaniel from PALS FOR LIFE checking in

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Played on a Dwarf Warrior named Kangsta in The Regulators back at the start of Vanilla, mostly spent my days duelling outside of IF… Seeing some familiar names, amazing to see Ossoi talking harsh truths just the way he did 15 years ago rofl… Some things never change :smiley:

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Yikes… Someone is salty after 14 years aren’t they? I guess I joined DV after they did that because I didn’t see more than 1 BWL raid a week. Regardless, we were in AQ40 gear when we cleared Naxx, so why would it have mattered? You were clearly not up to the challenge of clearing Original Naxx and are just upset over it… a game… 14 years later. For the record, I was #1 DPS on a lot of the fights and There is no 8/8 DPS warrior set, is there? Most of the gear in BWL sucked, I used PvP gear until AQ40. Again, Yikes that you care so much.

Chavo, I will be playing a lot. If you or Este want to get in contact, feel free. When I know what server the guild I joined will roll on (Alliance PvP) I will let you know.


" Regardless, we were in AQ40 gear when we cleared Naxx, so why would it have mattered?..There is no 8/8 DPS warrior set, is there? Most of the gear in BWL sucked, I used PvP gear until AQ40. Again, Yikes that you care so much."

Yeah bro, and if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be trying to find a way to excuse the fact that your guild cheated.

I mean, your post is awful dude. I don’t care what gear you had, not when there were 39+ other people that could all have exploited gear.

Deus Vox didn’t have 40 GMs with Rank 13-14 gear, so your individual gear is irrelevant to this argument.

Do you even understand how progression works? The gear in the current raid prepares you for the next raid. The more gear you have in your raid, the stronger you are. Hence why Deus Vox cheated, because they felt the need to “catch up” having been formed mid-2005.

It’s like you can’t even read - Drake Fang Talisman is BIS trinket, Rejuv Gem is BIS trinket, Neltharion’s Tear is BIS trinket. And that’s without mentioning the other non tier items/weapons.

I mean really? You had Rank 14 gear so the cascading doesn’t matter? And how long did it take 1 person to get that gear?

Being able to get 5 months worth of BWL loot in 1 month 2 months before AQ was obviously a massive advantage. Thus you could beat the content in AQ quicker, and get the next tier of gear quicker.

As I said to the guy from DV who spilled the beans on reddit, your guild cheated and had an insane gear advantage over the rest of the server. Just own it dude.

And yeah, I quit WoW shortly after AQ40 and TR didn’t get very far. At least I can say my progression was legitimate LOL

So, if other guilds were farming BWL for longer, even with one clear a week they should have been ready for AQ 40 right? The game isn’t that hard, the fact is nobody else on the server got anywhere near as far in progression. Why you even brought it up after 14 YEARS is hilarious. The only purpose of this forum is to say “Hey Im X looking for Y” Not to start ancient fights up.

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“So, if other guilds were farming BWL for longer, even with one clear a week they should have been ready for AQ 40 right”

Are you really this dumb?

BWL came out in July 05, the world first Nef kill wasn’t until 26 September 05. TR killed Nef for the first time in December 05.

According to Reddit:

"In the beginning of the guild we did it 4 or 5 times a week.

Yes. a clear would take 4-5 hours. This was while we waited for AQ40 to open."

If you can’t see how doing BWL 5 x a week when the whole point of the lockout system was to make it a once a week raid then I don’t know what to say.

And if you can’t see how doing BWL 5 x a week allows you to overtake other guilds that aren’t cheating then there’s something seriously wrong with you, or you just can’t accept that your guilds progression was fraudulent.

And this doesn’t have to be a fight - I just think it’s important that rumours about DV cascading were confirmed recently. The only reason it’s a “fight” is because you can’t accept that your guild felt the need to cheat in order to “catch up”

I mean, do you not see the fallacy in making fun of my lack of progression? Apparently my guild was so bad you guys felt the need to do 20 hours of BWL a week in order to “catch up” to me. LOL

Bro this is a reconnection thread, no one cares.


Ill repeat 1) this isn’t the place for this, you started this BS. 2) I was in the guild, you weren’t I didn’t see it happen. 3) Who cares? You find your crew Ill find mine.

So you’ve realised that attempting to justify the cheating isn’t working, and you’re switching to flat out denials?

It’s all on Reddit bro, fully explained and admitted.

“We would have 1 tank, 2 dps and 2 heal alts. The rest of the raid mains zone out, these alts get the raid lockout. The mains do not get Razer loot until the last clear and the alts get all the razer gear. Then after Razer is dead the mains would zone in and not get a raid lockout but could kill the rest of the 7 bosses because in Vanilla the raid lockout was only tied to a Razer kill. Then we would grab 5 more alts and do this pattern 3-4 more times a week. Leveling alts in Vanilla was easy due to another creative use of ingame mechanics. This is tag leveling, you would have a lower level character out of group tag a higher level elite mob and then a separate party of gear players would kill it, giving the leveling alt full experience.”

“You needed to poach to get things like Thunderfury, and to get better quality players. It was vanilla, it was all about how can you get a leg up without getting caught. Other guilds cascaded as well. IE for example did but did not have the alts we did.”

“We were a well oiled machine in Vanilla. Yes cascading BWL allowed us to get more out gear but gear only took you so far. In general there was no dead weight in DV, they ran a tight roster and optimized comps always.”

“We did it for a month…It is not like we did it for 6 months… Get your head out of your a**”

“Yeah we became a guild in October '05, cleared BWL shortly after that. Once it was cleared we did cascade the instance for a month to catch up and possibly pass other guilds in gear. We did not do it for months on end as it they fixed the bug in the AQ40 gathering quest patch. It was mostly in December when it was done when we were all off school and had time during the week.”

" From there we cleared BWL in late November, looks like we passed you by then, prior to cascading. Then in December to early Jan we cascaded for about a month until it was corrected. They tied the instance lock out to zone in then."

Hey everyone, I was in “The Regulators” guild, my name was Strict I was a Level 60 Gnome Mage. Took part in the first Nef kill with the guild. I only remember a couple of people like Hawthorne, guild leader. Anyone here from TR #1 ?

Yes! I remember you always requesting some good tunes when I was doubling as guild DJ. Good to see you, man. How are ya?


What’s up, dude!? Good to see you still around and kicking. Keeping up with anyone else from DC?

Gosh, I miss Danthe. He was a pretty cool dude.

Here comes Ossoi! I joined TR for a few weeks, in protest, after Darkspeaker kicked Wondergirl and Chal for summoning him into the MC lava on his birthday. Remember how y’all let me mispronounce Bopo for a whole night before you corrected me!? Jerks! :joy: Where’s Bargy? That guy, despite being a hunter and being next on the list for Ashkandi, was totally willing to pass it to me. What a champ!