" Regardless, we were in AQ40 gear when we cleared Naxx, so why would it have mattered?..There is no 8/8 DPS warrior set, is there? Most of the gear in BWL sucked, I used PvP gear until AQ40. Again, Yikes that you care so much."
Yeah bro, and if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be trying to find a way to excuse the fact that your guild cheated.
I mean, your post is awful dude. I don’t care what gear you had, not when there were 39+ other people that could all have exploited gear.
Deus Vox didn’t have 40 GMs with Rank 13-14 gear, so your individual gear is irrelevant to this argument.
Do you even understand how progression works? The gear in the current raid prepares you for the next raid. The more gear you have in your raid, the stronger you are. Hence why Deus Vox cheated, because they felt the need to “catch up” having been formed mid-2005.
It’s like you can’t even read - Drake Fang Talisman is BIS trinket, Rejuv Gem is BIS trinket, Neltharion’s Tear is BIS trinket. And that’s without mentioning the other non tier items/weapons.
I mean really? You had Rank 14 gear so the cascading doesn’t matter? And how long did it take 1 person to get that gear?
Being able to get 5 months worth of BWL loot in 1 month 2 months before AQ was obviously a massive advantage. Thus you could beat the content in AQ quicker, and get the next tier of gear quicker.
As I said to the guy from DV who spilled the beans on reddit, your guild cheated and had an insane gear advantage over the rest of the server. Just own it dude.
And yeah, I quit WoW shortly after AQ40 and TR didn’t get very far. At least I can say my progression was legitimate LOL