Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

To be fair when we left another group led by Diskordia, Humage and some i forgot maybe Sagart also went to DV too almost the same day/week.

I forgot why we all bailed out tho

Seimaul was in TR through classic and then helped form 13 #1. Eventually, 13 merged with IE(???) to form Lethe in TBC.

At least that’s what I recall.

Yep, and here’s the TR post from when I crushed him in AOC


Published 5/25/2008 by [Ossoi]

Friendly word of advice to all those playing Age of Conan, although this applies to everyone on the f**king planet:

It’s much better to have me on your side than as an enemy, case in point the guy below who thought he’d be safe to roll on an FFA PvP server after leaving TR. He’d have been safer having unprotected sex with Paris Hilton whilst sucking off a tr*nny hooker than creating a character on Deathwhisper. He got clobbered so hard he probably woke up back in f**king Ironforge."

Anyway, another name crossed off the very, very, very long KOS list…"

P4L’s: What ever happen to Hadron?

I haven’t seen him since the honor farming days/nights?

Hey Friends…

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The down slide for TR was after BWL was on farm and people were proc’ing the 8/8 set bonus: “No longer need to show up for raids”. New players were recruited, but new doesn’t always equal better.

The length between BWL and AQ40 really did the damage. Once AQ40 was released, Ossoi led us through our first Huhu kill. I think that’s when Ossoi took a break from raiding and Bopo was in charge of TR.

Shortly after that I ended up quitting TR and then joined IE since progression in AQ40 slowed. There was not enough interest to grind out against the Twin Emps. TR did kill bosses in Naxx but I don’t recall who was leading the guild at the time.

It wasn’t a quick death…but a natural progression when geared players take a break or the content is delayed over a “world farming event”.

I don’t recall exactly when he last played regularly, but he was around for a while post-vanilla. I think he has checked in on the forums recently enough to post a “maybe” for Classic.

Thanks! He was a chill dude who could wreck some face.



I remember Bopo leading raids at AQ. That sure rings a bell, i remember quitting raiding early on in AQ 40 personally and never really getting baxl into it since then

Our first Nef kill was December 05. AQ patch was January 06 and I presume the gates opened March 06.

I had gone back to University in September 05 after having dropped out the first time round for playing too much Star Wars Galaxies (which is where I met TR, I fought against them with DelzNope and joined them for Lineage 2).

Before going back to University I was raiding from midnight my time until 5-6am, going straight to work, having a nap at work, coming home to eat dinner and sleeping from 7pm until Midnight. So that kind of schedule whilst having to focus on University wasn’t realistic.

I don’t remember how far we got in AQ, but having cleared it recently on a private server I remember Skeram, Battleguard Satura, skipping Viscidus entirely and the area upto Huhuran was familar. I don’t remember killing Huhu and I definitely don’t remember getting to the Emps

I think the reality is that we had a large roster and thus a mixture of geared people and undergeared people. Arcanum, a TR mage who posts on the FOH forums claims that he got very few items. But then he also claims he was giving strats to Hawthorne and I had no leadership/position or influence so he’s obviously an idiot.

AQ is pretty easy with nature res gear, that and a tighter roster maybe things would have been easier. But I remember losing players like Fog (a geared rogue) to DV, not sure whether that was in AQ or earlier. As already mentioned, I suspect DV were able to entice players away from other guilds with the promise of easy exploited BWL loot.

Wrong. The game killed many guilds who had to recruit awful players just to fill a 40-man raid (The Mercs, SiN, Disciples). By the time Blizz came to their senses, the damage was done. TR was relieved to move on to greener pastures a few months after TBC released in other PK-oriented games that catered to a tight-knit crew vs people slipping on their own drool. Age of Conan was proof of that, as we destroyed Keshatta nightly. Sadly, that was a fanfare to old PK mentalities before everyone copied WoW’s successful, casual player model.

Yeah…your schedule back then was ridiculous. I don’t know how you were able to sustain it for so long.

I remember that first Nef kill, using the warlocks to hellfire due to the massive threat it created in phase 1. The first warlock tanks were created in TR :slight_smile:

I think we only had 1 kill on Huhu, which was sad cause we were progressing. I just can’t remember who I was tanking with in those days…sigh.

Razer and Zanon were our other tanks I think?

Razer was responsible for one of my most memorable WoW moments. He was tanking Onyxia then said on vent “hold up, my girlfriends leaving with the kid”. I think he went AFK whilst still tanking Onyxia, came back in tears and said “yeah she just left” then carried on tanking.

He then ended up enlisting in the US army and piloting drones or something

Yep, now I remember Razer and Zanon.

Scaley is one of the ones who helped form 13 #1 in TBC…I wonder what he’s up to these days?

Can confirm lol, was in vent for that one. Razer was a tank commander in the army until blowing out a lung and is now medically retired last we spoke.

Scaley also played with us in SWG, he had his own guild with the likes of Slive and Phish. They also came with us to L2 and SWG.

Scaley is in our TR facebook group as is Zanon. I have Razer on my Steam friends list.

I also randomly grouped with Seanimus on a private server back in December.

Scaley got wrapped up in work and hasn’t played much in a couple years now. Played with him in Cata and SWTOR, among other things. I wouldn’t be surprised if he poked his head out here someday.

The mercs SiN and DDH died way before TR did in WOW. I’m not saying the guild as a whole died, but that was the end of any seriois WoW stint.

In response to the others in the thread, in AQ TR did kill the twin emps not too far behind the first server kill. We also had gotten maybe 6/15 naxx.

Main reason for quitting was constant discouragement and disappointment when the same top invested and geared raiders would show up and see a quarter of the raid were new faces who needed to run MC to upgrade their blues. Being among the first guilds to kill Nef and then still having to run MC many months later is no fun.

You stick around for a bit because of loyalty to the guild but it got real tiresome doing it for months and you eventually give up.

Last time i saw Razer was on a pic on the TR forums rocking na zi tattoos.




But gotta give it to him, he was a crazy mofo which i guess explains the tattoos, i remember him tanking with his infant daughter on his lap.

Razer once met up with Scaley and Mithian IRL, and he nearly cracked his skull headbutting the latter. Crazy is putting him lightly.