Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Araziel, let’s catch up for old times sake. Maybe over some red wine?

Discord: Arothen#9523
Battlenet: Arothen#1598

Donorey, Dwarf Warrior, I was in a guild called: What this is my Main

Hey there, Samroccola NE rogue. Played alot with The General Public and Spite way back!


I’ll add you, although I haven’t been active on bnet lately except for some SC2 from time to time.

Although this was TBC, who remembers this:

F#cking Day man, lmao.

Was it after this incident you took over as GM?

Drama in MC was the best lol.


Herod for now

I took over GM for WotLK. The original core of Lethe quit wow after the M’uru 2% wipe. I quit about 3 months into Cata. Hopped game to game ever since. Need that good good back in my life.


Ons, buddy old pal, miss me? We should meet up in game in open world sometime :slight_smile:

Human pally
Played with a few guilds but stayed in Morbid Hatred for the most part. See you guys on Herod

didn’t you guys have your guild name stolen for a couple days back in the day lol

Didn’t we all reroll servers back in the day, its been so long lol

what up Mablun!

+Hollisterr+ Male Draenei Shaman [ RETALIATION ]

Your resident trade chat troll…God adolescence was hard :facepalm:

where is Reivaz? loved world pvping with him!


Archimonde blew up the first day since Blizz couldn’t handle a PK rush that hard. So LS became the new home for PvP guilds that decided to reroll. It was a wise decision as the old server was plagued with downtime and issues for years after.

What was going on here?

I have no memory of how raid IDs used to work before the seven day lockout. I have a very vague recollection of what Danthe said about finishing other guilds IDs but no idea how that would have worked

How we were able to steal a raid ID was simple. Basically Divine Crusade in our case would get stuck afyer a certain boss, Garr, if I recall. So friend of mine the next day or the day before the raid resets would zone into MC and then invite me when he was in MC and then invite a lock have him zone in with us and we would start summoning players. Simple as that. It was the first person that started the group from MC that would have his raid id locked into the thing.

So we came in and cleared the rest of the instance, i recall doing it a handful of times and not more than that and only during MC

Edit: i even went once with them after Garr to “explain” how to proceed a certain boss only to have them see that the bosses were killed just to have a live reaction and record it.

Fun times!

Gargamelle Gnome Warlock
Azlidaris Night Elf Warrior
Fats Gnome Rogue

Looking for anyone from the Guild Relentless

But what happened to our lockout? Were we not locked to our own cleared raid ID?

We would already had it cleared and we got onto another raid ID. It was an exploit which was fixed later on during BWL at some point

Yep, all of this. Mablun was alluding to how the conversation of stolen raid ID’s was happening, specifically Divine Crusade’s since they were struggling. This goaded Darkspeaker into lashing out, which we mass reported and got him a 24hr ban. I can’t find the SS but there was more drama in chat about them having to end the raid early once they were kicked offline.

This was obviously back when GM’s could keep up and took a harsh stance against anything toxic.

Let’s put it this way… I miss you as much as I miss the moment when you tried to hijack my guild from me. Glad that all worked out for you.

You’ll be seeing us WINKYFACE