Latino Lives Matter Too!

In WoW there are 2 people that could count as a Latino representation, Don Carlos and Don Rigoberto wich are mariachi.

Honestly i want to know from wich kingdom they came in lore, if they were from alterac, lordaeron, arathi, gilneas and so on. And it’s truth, that right now, they are 2 human kingdoms that “repesents” aspects of brittish culture. Beign Kul’tiras and Gilnas

But there no kigdom that represents aspecs of hispanic speaking countrys of old, like spain.

At least we have trolls that are a mixture of all mesoamerican cultures as mayan, aztec and incan with touches of antilian culture from haiti, jamaica, and cuban. And to me its enought, but i really want to know from were Don Carlos, and Rigoberto came from

You forgot rich. If you are successful and white, it is only because you are white.


What struggle? Illegals can get free healthcare and food benefits, in addition to being excused from paying taxes.

Further, Affirmative Action gives employment to job applicants based purely on them being minorities regardless if they’re less qualified than someone else.

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Oh wow lol


Spoken like someone that has never worked a day in corporate America and bore witness to the sheer amount of nepotism prevalent at all levels of the corporate hierarchy.

I’d take nepotism over AA any day.

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He is referencing statements made by Shaun King, a young Al Sharpton type that works for the Daily News in NY or at least used to.

Your comment made me pause for a second to try to figure out which purple elves you where talking about, which made me realize we have more purple elves than non-purple elves.

I know who Sean King is. I know the majority of public figures in that space.

Are you a temporarily embarrassed millionaire?

Oh, I am sorry, thought you were asking where he got the statement.


Especially considering you made the onerous claim in the first place and didn’t bother to do what you’re accusing me of not doing.

No offence but Black Americans history of oppression isnt even close to Native Americans.


oh yeah that too.
Its ashame they attribute our success to our skin color, and not our culture.

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Actually I deleted it because I realized I’m not doing any good quoting someone who doesn’t really want to have a discussion.

:man_facepalming:t5: Im sure

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Because your culture is predominantly a majority in the media.

And being white or have white skin is often associated with wealth and beauty in Asian and Latino countries.

Yes, looking good in appearance can help land you a job and build confidence.

im ugly as shlt dude.

What culture would that be? What exactly makes it successful?

Can you be more specific?

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube culture.

Lmao. no? What? wtf? no.