Latency new computer

Hey all, hoping some tech gurus maybe have an idea for me on how to diagnose my issues. I just bought a new gaming computer and have been having some pretty significant latency spikes during arena/m+ runs. The connection to my router seems pretty strong. I’m not completely technically illiterate or anything but I’m unsure how to diagnose with certainty if my latency issues are related to my computer or my internet.

I had some internet issues really recently (like past few weeks) that are making me wonder if my provider didn’t fix it when they came out. It’s unfortunate timing because if these issues persist and they are related to my desktop I’d obviously like to return it but idk how to diagnose for sure. Are there any programs I can easily run to test latency spikes as a result of my hardware?

If you haven’t restarted the modem and router recently I’d do that first. Beyond that maybe check with your PC’s/motherboard’s support page and update the network driver.

Tracert is a command you can use to check latency between “hops”, each hop being a router your connection goes through until it reaches the destination, with that destination, in your case, being Blizzard.

You can either use the Windows command prompt:

tracert domain name or IP

Or a website that’s probably more user friendly.

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