7/8M & 8/8H NP LATE NIGHT CE Focused Mythic Guild LFM[Area 52] <Parasomnia>

Join Parasomnia - Area52

About Us:
Guild Name: Parasomnia
Focus: Raiding: Mythic Progression
Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Time: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM PST
Server: Area-52

**7/8 M & 8/8H Nerub-Ar Palace **

What We Offer:
:shield: Focused Progression: We strive for excellence in raiding while maintaining a positive and inclusive environment.
:star2: Community: Join a close-knit group of like-minded players who share your passion for Raiding.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Structured Raids: Experienced leadership ensures smooth, efficient, and fun raiding experiences.
:globe_with_meridians: Active Discord: Engage with guild members, get updates, and coordinate strategies.

What We’re Looking For:


  • :shield: :shield: Vengance DH :shield: :shield:
  • :shield: :shield: Prot Pally :shield: :shield:
  • :shield: :shield: Prot Warrior :shield: :shield:
  • :shield: :shield: Guardian Druid :shield: :shield:


  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Windwalker Monk High :fire:
  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Shadow priest High :fire:
  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Augmentation Evoker - High :fire:
  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Fury/Arms Warrior - High :fire:
  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Havoc Demon Hunter - High :fire:
  • :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: Balance Druid - High :fire:
  • Any dps

DPS with HEALS os:

  • :crossed_swords:::leaves:Aug Evoker/ Pres Evoker :leaves::leaves:
  • :crossed_swords: :leaves: Ele/Enh Shaman / Resto Shaman :leaves::leaves:
  • :crossed_swords: :leaves: Shadow priest / Holy or Disc priest :leaves::leaves:

We are looking for strong and committed raiders looking to push into The War Within. If you have any recent or relative logs feel free to reach out and lets chat!

How to Join:
If you have any questions feel free to message Irizz#1719 on Bnet. Otherwise, go ahead and post an app linked below:


Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Looking for more players in season 4 and TWW.

Looking for more! Dm me if you have any questions!

Bump! Need more people for s4 and TWW!

bump lfm!!

Looking for more dps for s4 and TWW,

Looking for more!!

lfm players!

Looking for MW monk!

Looking for more people for this season and TWW!

Still recruiting, add me in bnet!

Looking for more dps! Hit me up!

bump! looking for more!

Still looking for more.

Looking for more!

Looking for more people for this season and TWW

Need more dps and heals

Looking for more dps

LFM people for this season and in TWW

bump! Looking for more!