MW/WW LF weeknight heroic/mythic

Hi I am a returning player looking for a weeknight raid guild focusing on heroic going into mythic. Planning on playing mistweaver and offspec ww/bm, I have mythic healing experience across several tiers and was a top 100 m+ hpal in legion. Available mon-fri from 6pm pacific.

Hey there Beerhouse,

If you have time I would like to you. We’re recruiting healer in TWW with dps os. We’re a mythic guild, Parasomnia-area 52. We’re 23/26m in the awakened season (7/9m in s3).
Add me in bnet irizz#1719. Thank you.

Hi Beerhouse,

We have a healer opening on our Mythic Prog team.

About us

Firehawk - Proudmoore is a raiding guild that was formed 15 years ago. Our goal is to continue to be a great guild with diversity offering raid experience for all levels of raiders. We field three raid teams, Vira our CE team, Corpse Run Mythic progression and Twilight Fenix, AOTC casual team. The leadership of Firehawk has been around since Vanilla and has high end leadership experience.**

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A sense of community and direction.
  • Communication.

Corpse Run – Mythic Progression

6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
Wed: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST

Please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master Tèren – Shadowdancer#1115 or on Discord at _teren.

We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!

Hi Beerhouse,
Would love to talk to you about our joining our team for TWW. Please add me on discord alphamagik or on bnet OnlyRizzen#1147


Hi Beerhouse!

I’m Stormy, GM of The Dignified on Blade’s Edge (PvE, PvP). We are a guild that does everything WoW has to offer and we’ve been around over 13 years. No worries about what server you’re on!
Our AOTC+ raid team runs Tue Wed 8-10pm Central time. Contact: Death#12273 on Bnet
OlRazzleDazl in Discord

Casual raids are open to all guild mates with ilvl, Fri Sat 6-8pm Central time. Zarakii is lead.

My contact info:
Stormy#1445 Bnet
stormy1445 Discord

Still looking