Late night/early morning guilds?

I work the overnight shift so my usual play time is from 7am to around 11am on work days. Days off I could be online from anytime between 8pm - 11am depending when I feel like playing. Needless to say these aren’t exactly peak hours for a US server.

Up until now I’ve been mostly solo leveling and questing. Now that I’m up into the 40s and questing is getting slower and more spaced out I want to start focusing on dungeons and group content. I’m looking for a guild whose PRIMARY playtime is mostly in line with mine. I don’t want to join a guild just to see that no one is online when I am. I don’t know anything about starting or running a guild, but if someone would like to start a guild for late night players I would be down to join that too.

I’m in an industry that frequently involves odd hours and was thinking about this.

I got bad news man but I think high pop servers are going to be your best options in the US. I was looking for a tank about 2 am yesterday and /who 49-53 showed 4 people online. And I was in LFG for hours late tonight and saw a ZF group or two but no Mara groups.

It’s probably going to be a while, if ever, before there are the numbers for an off-peak hours guild.

But don’t take my word for it. Download wow classic census plus or whatever it’s called and run it for yourself. When it finishes, look at the brief message that pops up and says how many players are on.

I am in the same boat as you. Ill be looking for a daytime raiding guild/grp and hope that one gets formed. I assume character transfers will occur at some point…or could hope…

Which timezone are ya in? Gaiscioch has pretty good 24/7 coverage at the moment with at least 10 people on at all times. Between 3PM-9PM PT we usually have 50 - 70 on. We’re still growing and were also in that 3 month period when the infatuation starts to fade and the reality sets in so It will be interesting to see if we continue to grow or settle into a number. Currently sitting just over 400 characters / 120 registered members.

Check us out at or on Discord: Wzzcgdh or type “/who Gaiscioch” in game to see how many are on when your playing.

HOTS and DOTS is one of a few late night guilds here, we don’t get started till 10PM most nights and keep active till after sunrise. We are small, but active group. Plus we come with the worst guild recruitment spam in game.

I’ll do a /who and message you next time I’m in game. My buddy and I have our own mini private guild, but it could be fun to be a part of something bigger. And being in our time zone, when we log in it’s often well after midnight server time.

Though I’m only 27, and his main just hit 40… so we aren’t super hardcore…

Reroll horde, is usually up late.