Late Night AOTC <Visibly Confused> LFM S4/MoP/TWW - Week 4 Heroic Awakened Cleared

LFM Give us a shout!

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LFM for end of S3 going into S4 and WW!

Starting to solidify that roster for S4… give us a shout!
Tanks - Full
Heals - 1-2 spots open
DPS - Open
Heals/DPS - Any

I’m interested!

Hey Jezus, hit me up in game or in discord. Thank you!

To be clear we are doing heroic faded season 4. Looking for more! Discord is best to get a hold of us.

Bump bump ~ LF Heals!

LF 1-2 Healers and awesome DPS :slight_smile: - drop us a message. Good luck in Season4!

LF 1-2 Healers … 8/8N & 4/8H Awakened after 1 night.


Finished 8/8N & 7/8H VotI after week1.

Will be hitting Heroic Aberrus tonight.

LF 1 healer Holy Paladin / Pres Evoker highly preferred. Will consider an amazing priest.

Won’t say No to any awesome DPS or Flex players as well.

Give us a shout!

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9/9 Heroic Awakened Aberrus. LF Holy Paladin or Priest. Will consider a Mw or Evoker too.

Bumping, still on the lookout for that healer and other quality players!

9/9 Heroic Awakened ATDH down as well!

:eyes: Let’s hit VotI tonight!

Goofing around in MoP remix too, let us know!

LFM For Heroic Awakened / MoP / TWW - give us a shout!

Added you but haven’t seen you online in a couple days

We’ve been on, I think you added Smurrf. Send her a message on bnet or feel free to reach out to us on Disc.

I added you, it was on my alt I created there for this. all good though, I’ll catch you eventually lol

Looking for DPS and Hybrid players for TWW. Maybe another full time healer. Inquire within <3