Late Night AOTC <Visibly Confused> LFM S4/MoP/TWW - Week 4 Heroic Awakened Cleared

Now 3/9 Heroic + 9/9 Normal. LF 1 Healer and 1 Flex heals/dps

LF Mistweaver/Windwalker, Enhance, and any strong dps/heals.

Now 5/9Heroic. LF Mistweaver/Windwalker, Enhance, and any strong dps/heals.

Hey how’s it going everyone?!

7/9 Heroic now - really looking for that Monk!

8/9H with 6% wipe ok fyrrak. Thinking about adding a warlock, hunter, ele shaman. Give us a shout!

I might be interested. Destro lock.


8/9Heroic , almost had H Fyrrak last week. Should be dead this week. Looking for the above.

Bump for AOTC, 2 weeks late. LFm friends!

To the top! Will consider any awesome adults, give us a shout!

If I join I have terms.

  1. I will lead my own raid team with people I choose.
  2. My team raids only on the weekends.
  3. Management has no say in who I include or exclude in my team.

If you can guarantee that then you got yourself an experienced raid lead.

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Interesting… drop me a discord to talk Grutan.

Happy new year folks.

Windwalker - HIGH
Enhance - HIGH
Elemental - HIGH
Rogue - Medium
Warlock - Medium
Hunter - Medium
Shadow - Low
Feral/Warrior/Ret - will consider adding.
DPS/Healer Hybrids - ALL

Looking for more raiders - people are back from crazy holiday time!

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Updated needs… bump!

New recruitment needs
Any combination for a Monk. Can be flex dps/heals or only WW or only MW.
DPS Shaman
Holy Paladin
Any Priest (Shadow prefered)
1-2 more plate DPS
Any dps/heals flex players.
Full on locks right now, may add another hunter.

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To the top!

We actually could use some Windwalker, SPriest, Melee DPS and any flex heals/dps. Give us a shout =)

Still LFM, hit us up! Have a good one.