Last Pull Is Recruiting for M raid T/W 5:45-8:45 PST

Hello folks. The Last Pull is a semi-serious raiding guild on the Alliance side of Proudmoore. We traditionally work our way through Heroic and into Mythic each tier with the goal of getting through bosses without drama or toxicity. We currently are 4/8M in VotI and have a rather robust roster, but are still looking for some classes and roles to fill out our ranks.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday only, 8:45pm EST to 11:45pm EST.

What are we looking for, priority wise:

Priest Holy or Disc
Shaman Resto
Monk Mistweaver

Warlock, any spec.
Mage, any spec.
DH Havoc with Vengeance offspec
Monk WW

Our raid teams are built as a meritocracy. When it comes to Mythic Raiding, the best players will be brought for progression bosses, while lower bosses will see a rotation of players.

If you are only interested in M+ and not raid, fell free to join us as well. Outside of raid days, we have a very active guild faction that consistently pushes keys each season. It’s a load of fun.

If interested, feel free to contact me/ friend me in game at Bigwhoop#1156

Bumples the Clown says “Hi”

One negative about being a gnome, the likelihood of hitting ones head instead of ones shin on the furniture.

If an undead bumps into an orc, aren’t they technically bumping uglies?

I fist bumped a gnome hunter once. The funeral was very sad. They are really squishy

bumping for funsies

Bumpity bump bump …bump

Hey folks, I am here to bump the hell outta this post

Bumping this bad bad boy

Time to bump it

I bump for fun and profit

Things that go bump in the night for 500 Alex

Why do bumps hurt so much?

Always get consent before bumping

I bump to live, I live to bump

real fast bumping

I like big bumps and I cannot lie
You other brothers can’t deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face…

I have bumped

I would bump you all night long

Bumps are better in pairs