Last Parade of the Sentinels (A-RP Event)

Big respect to you all for representing Kaldorei and for being one of the OG Sentinel guilds going as far back as the Cataclysm days!

Edit: because I didn’t want to hold up the festivities, I’m posting here.

Heartfelt thank you to the members of Moonglaive Sentinels and the OG guild “Sentinel” for their commitment to keeping the magic of the Kaldorei alive. I thought it was the coolest thing back in Cataclysm to see a guild that did drills, formations, campaigns and uniforms like you all did. Big thanks to Adellwyna, the OG officers, and the past and current Sentinel RPers for keeping the ‘Sentinel’ guild legacy going while also making it their own, and for setting a standard for Sentinel RP that I think is mirrored and respected by many members of our roleplay communities.

While Blizzard might have sometimes done us dirty, you all never did.


I’m looking for the group… anyone know where they are right now?

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Over in Nighthaven, in Moonglade

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Was an absolute delight to be present for the ceremony; y’all are wonderful and I’m very proud of the brilliant and charming community you’ve built over the years. Your legacy is one that will last well into the ages, and it’s going to remain an icon for future guilds to look up to.


What a great event, and what a poignant moment at the end! It was so sad seeing the sentinels look so lost and out of place in their own skins when the final dismissal from formation was done. And that was made even more difficult knowing it’s the guild’s OOC end as well. As much as I knew both things were coming, it didn’t prepare me for how well you all played that out and for how convincing and heart-wrenching it was to see once the final curtain fell.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. This guild was a staple and a holdout of a different age of RP in World of Warcraft. I’ve always admired that fact and enjoyed its events immensely. Though I was never a member, it’s tough to see you all go your separate ways and bring this chapter to an end. I truly hope that wherever you all go, you find fun and happiness. And for those of you who don’t leave the server, stop playing, or stop RPing, I sincerely hope to have some kind of involvement with you in the future. One thing ends and others begin. May those new beginnings favor you all.

Al diel shala, Moonglaive Sentinels. Until next our paths see fit to cross.


Absolutely phenomenal event, and the finale truly was special. Thank you for having it open to the server. Your doors may be closing, but they’ve piqued my interest in finding one that’s open into Night Elf RP on WrA.


Thank you for the wonderful event, and all of the events that I have had the pleasure of attending the past few years! The phenomenal formations and drills established made the Moonglaive Sentinels iconic and set it apart from every other guild. Your dedication executing them was admirable. They were phenomenal and I will really miss seeing them.

I have always had awesome interactions with those in the guild and wish you all luck in your future endeavors. I hope to see you around in RP again soon! This is not the end—just the beginning of a new adventure. :slight_smile:


A huge thank you to everyone who attended the event, and especially those who toughed it out on our LONG march from Moonglade to Feathermoon Stronghold. I know it was a late, late night for many. It meant so much to all of us to see such a show of support and friendship from Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard.

You will still see several of us running about in-game under the same guild tag; we’re not disbanding and have some new cooperative adventures in the works with Kalimdor Collective. Just not all as Sentinels, mind you.


I was unable to make the long trek to Feralas due to RL, but what a great event! Great job on the drills and I enjoyed the time in Nighthaven. I wish you all many more great adventures moving forward.

What I could not help be reminded me of, was when I first came to WRA from Madoran (my OG server), so long ago.

Last night reminded me why public roleplay is not only just a good thing, but a necessary one. It encourages and motivates, it sets an example and it shows people new to the server what their own future in the community could look like.

Great job to a guild that always stepped forward to be one such example.