I have been playing through as much of the story as possible since coming back. Last night was my first real time playing heavily through ZM. I wound up hanging out with a group of guys bouncing from one World Boss to the next. This went on for HOURS! I can’t remember when the last time was that I hung out with a community doing things like this. Not everyone was an RP’er but I never discriminate just because someone doesn’t like to RP.
Non RP’ers are people too. I was playing my demo spec warlock and what happens? In the group of people that I was with we wound up with even more warlocks. I remember looking at my screen and at one point there were so many imps out it was crazy. I felt like I was in a sea of imps. I’m sad I didn’t think to get a screenshot of it. The people were amazing. I regret that my guild didn’t start out here so much earlier.