Last Hurrah Season 4 Weekly Quest Question

Is it intentional that the weekly quest no longer gives reputation? In season 3 the weekly quest aiding the accord used to give reputation with all Dragonflight factions.

Seems odd that it’s less rewarding for those that want to finish up reputation grind before the end of the expansion.

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I’d rather the boa tokens myself over loot


I guess so, but I’m at maximum reputation with all the Dragon Isles factions and the prestige Renown box rewards don’t have mounts like Legion did so I don’t really care about getting more reputation. The loss of about one thousand gold, however, is a little more noticeable.


I don’t know why they removed it to give us some (curses) weekly that gives anymore rep when this is the final patch of Dragonflight to allow us to catch up for renown and won’t give us a reason why they removed Aiding the Accord that gave us weekly rep.


Agreed, seems like very soon the gear token will not be all that useful and we’d prefer to have the rep/gold from Aiding the Accord.

Mayhaps it should be a choice: a box of gear or a box of rep.


I was really hoping to use the weekly’s to finish out the rep, hope they bring back that option.